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Foshan 95 batches of food with plastic packaging film selectiving examination found 2 batches

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Changshu learns well da plastic products factory, foshan in the food with plastic packaging composite film, bags in selectiving examination, including 95 batches of products found in selectiving examination 2 batches of the product is unqualified. Foshan Shared food with plastic packaging composite film, bags for card production enterprises, a total of 81, the actual spot check to the product factory has 64 involved, there are 17 companies due to the production and so on various aspects reason failed to spot check to the sample.

the spot check is accordance with the requirements of relevant national standards and related standards, requirements for food packaged in plastic composite film bags of tensile strength, tensile force, the inner plastic film peel strength and the pendulum impact can heat sealing strength, water vapor through content, oxygen through the total quantity, heat resistant, solvent residue, benzene solvent residue, evaporation residue were tested, and other projects.

the detection, nominal produced by Shanghai Jin Shuo packing co. , LTD. Transparent vacuum bag ( Specifications 20 cm & times; 25厘米× 7), 4200 The air rate is unqualified; Nominal produced by Shanghai east cheng industry &trade co. , LTD. , compound bag, Cooking) ( Specifications for 220 mm & times; 150毫米) Solvent residual amount not up to standard.

in the food packaged in plastic composite film, bag products in selectiving examination, selective examination 169 batches of products are all qualified. The city a total of plastic packaging composite film, bag of product certification, production enterprises, 102, the project actual to draw products have 71, and another 31 enterprises due to reasons not to smoke to such as production samples.

plastic products factory professional revealed that when the choose and buy food packaging plastic bags, plastic film, the first thing to look look. If the product appearance coarse, forming defects, color deviation compared to visible impurities and the printing quality is poor, had better not choose such products. Printing quality unqualified light can affect beautiful, or rub off, pollution of other items.

the second is the need to smell the products, the main reason is the use of recycled plastics have peculiar smell and bad additives. Is faulty product irritating smell will breathing system to produce a harm to human body, it is best not to choose. If use more plastic bags, or look from the appearance of the product color more dark, scratches, it should be replaced.
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