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Four big problems with the PVC plastic mechanical industry

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
From the point of view of the PVC plastic special-shaped material producers, nearly 400 production enterprises, the number, the output is about 2. 8 million tons, not much. But this is the size of the still exist some shortcomings and the insufficiency. Changshu well below da plastic products factory to introduce the four big problems with the PVC plastic mechanical industry!

a, product quality is uneven

PVC profile product quality closes nevertheless, but there is still a certain market, therefore, the overall PVC profile from China industry, the low level of the quality of PVC profile.

2, industry technical standards too low quality

PVC profile product quality closes nevertheless China is to a certain extent and industry of quality and technical standard is too low.

3, market demand for small

the overall market and yields of PVC profile is small, compared with supply and demand.

4, uneven distribution of regional

from the perspective of the division of production capacity of 2. 8 million tons and 2003 national, shandong area by 9%, 1% of the central region, the northeast 32%, 7% in the western region, southeast of 39%.

distribution from the factory, in 392 profile manufacturer home, south-east, 37%, 12% in shandong, 17% of the central region, the northeast 19%, and 15% in the western region.

throughout the PVC plastic mechanical industry, you can see the PVC plastic mechanical high-grade market dominated by foreign brands, about 30%, and unprofitable, low-standard market competition is intense, but has not yet formed.
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