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High hardness hollow board turnover box good?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
With the continuous development of logistics industry, the application of hollow plate box is also more and more widely. A lot of machinery industry, electronic industry, fruit, etc, will be used to corrugated board boxes. So many people will ask, hollow crate of hardness is good, not a short service life. This you can rest assured that the hardness of hollow crate is very good. Service life is long.
now some empty containers in the steel frame, its skeleton hollow plate in steel frame, steel frame is applied only to box office, did not form a whole wire racks, and increases with the increment of the strength of the product has a certain limit.
it is on the basis of the corrugated board box increase strength, improve their quality, service life and performance better than plastic turnover box, and the price is lower than plastic turnover box. The utility model includes open box, the plastic box corner, side and underside with reinforcement, its characteristic is that box frame, plastic steel reinforced with wire.

the strength of the common hollow plate box may than plastic box, but through other auxiliary design, can effectively enhance its superiority in some performance, fault tolerance rate higher, far more than ordinary plastic box on the professional application.
so hollow crate hardness can be, can be at ease use.
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