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Hollow board turnover box about how to choose?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic hollow board turnover box for its own good moistureproof, fire prevention,. , wear-resisting performance, is widely used in packaging, transport, home appliances and other industries. With the development of the market, the clinker hollow board and its products constantly updated, appeared on the market all kinds of hollow board turnover box, so we at the time of purchase how can I know what type of product is more suitable for yourself? Small make up today to talk to you about how to choose hollow board turnover box.
( 1) The material of the hollow plate plate
see plank material not only look at its surface. Carefully watch plate surface gloss, and assaying the transverse section. Good hollow board turnover box plate is made of new material, black hollow board material will have the characteristics of the surface is smooth and shiny; Color and transparent plate is uniform gloss, no pitting, the existence of the spots, even appears transparent or translucent, look and feel better.

( 2) The hollow board turnover box plate
the plate hardness is generally poor, with handle gently knead the borders will appear the phenomenon of sag, some even can't return after sag, ripping sheet to tear by hand. But the board is more strong and has a high toughness, not easy to tear it bad.
( 3) See the weight of the hollow board turnover box plate sheet
how many grams of sheet refers to the weight of per square. Sheet in normal circumstances, the more thick, the weight and the corresponding will also increase, the higher toughness will, of course the price also will be high. But the thick plate made of hollow board turnover box can not necessarily suitable for their own use, because thick plate will be harder, for those who have special requirements of products, or use the right hardness of hollow board turnover box.
in different industries is different to the requirement of hollow board turnover box, at the time of purchase we will according to their own needs to choose suits own hollow board turnover box products. Chongda plastic specialized is engaged in the hollow board turnover box production and processing, has a mature technology team and experienced operators, from manufacturing to sales, timely grasp the market demand of product, product constantly updated, hollow plate products to provide customers with good quality and competitive prices.
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