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Hollow plate installation method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
When the screw or rivet hole, hollow plate opening diameter should be 50% larger than the diameter of the bolt or rivet, in order to prepare for the displacement during the expansion and contraction. At the same time direct is forbidden any screw or rivet, shall not be reserved space heat bilges cold shrink.

if drilling on the hollow plate, the distance between the hole can not too big or too small. If the interval is larger, the cumulative length of thermal expansion is larger, and the reserved space. Small spacing must be seriously limits the movement of the plates, lead to excessive stress concentration. If allowed to thermal expansion bend outward and part of the stress can be offset.

in general, the hole on the steel plate, the pitch is more suitable for 50 centimeters. The distance between the hole and plate edge suggestion is greater than the diameter of the rivet head, and 2 times larger than the diameter of the handle. When the local big pressure, should increase the gasket or gasket, plate to avoid damage.

screw should not tighten it too tight, lest the steel plate is broken, and this steel plate can move slightly after fixed. Do not recommend using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gaskets or containing asphalt waterproof adhesive tape, because of their sedimentary chemical additives can cause plank chemical corrosion, resulting in plank crack and crack.

cold bending, the bending part should use screws. All the hole with a neutral silicone sealant filled structure, in order to prevent the edge cleaner to infiltrate and influence the use of paper.
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