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How to use the desks and chairs in order to keep the correct posture

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Desks and chairs in the process of the growth of children is important, indispensable, is important in the process of children learn to use tools. And children in the process of growth, the use of desks and chairs in the correct posture is very important, otherwise the child's body will be growth is not normal, after grow up can affect personal and beautiful, also can affect a child's confidence. The desks and chairs in the process of the use of how we should keep the correct posture?

desks and chairs in the use process, when we tired, we can adjust our desks and chairs we have to adjust the position of the discomfort. For example, when we sat for a long time, we will have a waist acid or feet uncomfortable, then we can put back on the desks and chairs, or put the foot on the rail, the desks and chairs will play a supporting role. The desks and chairs in the different levels of fatigue and appear different posture. In the process of learning, will lack of desks and chairs desktop space. At this point, some items need to transfer or in the drawer desks and chairs, in order to complete the ongoing work of learning. Learn to read and write, most of the children are sitting upright, shoulders flat, head straight, slightly forward; The back straight, straight, chest chest around the table, feet flat on the ground, shoulder width; Left and right arm flat on the table, the distance between the eyes and paper should be kept in a foot or so, but this is not the initial state of fatigue, when in a state of fatigue, they will study and work in new ways, therefore, in the learning process also need a good rest, take rests, have a better learning condition.
desks and chairs in the correct posture, powerful, for children to be in daily life, parents should be attention to children's growth process, observe the child daily use of desks and chairs in the sitting position is correct, if not right should be adjusted.
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