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Leds are energy conservation and environmental protection products?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Because of recent years has been in service for the LED industry, there are several customers LED lamps and lanterns, plastic mold is in my here, lamp cup plastic mould, plastic lens mold, waterproof plug rotating plug belt line, industrial and mining lamp accessories such as plastic moulds. As a LED consumers and laymen also has some opinions for the LED market. Where someone, there is a river's lake, river's lake place has the dint, the dint of place is the Chinese people. Each kind of new and high technology to China, must smoke four up a battle, with the rise of the LED, there emerged many famous enterprises, large enterprises, top 500 enterprises, more small private enterprises are a dime a dozen. In the context of the domestic LED industry, LED energy-saving lighting photoelectric enterprise no less than thousands of large and small. Zhongshan a manufacturer to provide 2 last year. 3 yuan to buy 10 send 3 ball bubble lamp, the author has several customer is doing the lighting products, LED accessories plastic moulds are open in my here. Ball steep light plastic shell, plastic package aluminum shell, base, lenses, tubes round flat plug, with male female waterproof plug, rotating plug and some industrial and mining lamp accessories is I supply in here. Know each set of lamp plastic parts price is not easy, artificial encapsulation farther, more power, heat sink, aluminum plate, lamp bead,,,. So I particularly curious about the cost of the product, to find a friend to do research, I can only say that simply can't see clearly what is in the lamp or lamps in play. I really worry about the service life of the lamp, on behalf of an end user May 1 months, may be 2 months. To summarize, this is a common phenomenon now, what to pursue cheap, cheap is good to sell, make money amount, wholesalers GanBao think as long as the manufacturer, I dare to sell, if the factory run? Male reporter is a good example. Said again, the final product is not the consumer need cheap inferior products, wholesalers only for self. Leds at the beginning of the 21st century as a new high and new technology in the pearl river delta, in previous years mainly responsible for foreign countries of the high-end market demand, and most of the guinea pig inferior products are not their own use is flowing to the three countries. There is currently no LED cognitive concept, ordinary people or more in a s understanding of the incandescent light bulb. Of course, the country has made a lot of strong policy, vigorously promote the LED. Personally think that in 2014 after 10 years, the domestic LED route is a more clear direction. Quality is always coexist, is fine, I still think consumer spending habits depends on market environment, market competition environment decided the boss thought highly, the boss thought highly determines the quality of the product, the quality of the product determines the way of the enterprise. Offensively, China is a high copy product power, low bad products production country mostly by the most bad boss opportunity to rescue, the surface meets the requirements of most of the low-end market, substantial low-end market is a created them. Carrying the banner of energy conservation and environmental protection enterprise, should have to manufacture products for energy conservation and environmental protection mission, but the low end of the inferior products, another bowl of fish for the dinner table. This enterprise is no soul without a sense of mission, even can't say is the enterprise. Development needs 11 years in previous years for the factory factory relocation, in that order 80 friend two meters of T5 tube, then RMB 260 a. Quality need time to test, four years after the 80 tubes or as good as new. Before have statistics for almost two years, the electricity has been saved by back to this, the LED is indeed, energy conservation and environmental protection. Recently heard a regret thing in some enterprise, a businessman from a booth for a 3 w plastic ball bubble lamp, just bought from you before long, running back said the light not bright. I thought really all named as LED lights are energy saving, not necessarily, inferior products in a short period of time after using a cycle become garbage, garbage disposal and resource environmental management really is energy conservation and environmental protection? 4. 0 is imminent, the plastic mold difficult ah, small businesses thought to preserve our sanity could survive in the cracks. Market saturation, the less demand, excess output, face wash dish at any time. Busy living and around the enterprise is not long, the future every enterprise need dream want to support, a map in your heart, the future will have boundaries. All need to have their own brand, with high quality and high quality service to business brand. This is the demand of the market, is the demand of the national consciousness of life change, it is also the demand for the development of nation.
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