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Light degradable plastics

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Light degradable plastics only under the action of sunlight or other strong light sources can degrade, mainly is suitable for manufacturing various types of packaging film. In photodegradation ability mainly comes from the sun ultraviolet ray, it is of high energy. Combined with the oxygen in the air, automatic oxidation reaction in the polymer, also known as light oxidation reaction. The light of the polymer degradability and polymer structure. General structure of the polymer degradability of light is not obvious, only those who contain a double bond in the molecular structure of polymer, extremely easy absorption of ultraviolet ability, causing light degradation reaction.

the factors affecting polymer degradability of light in addition to the structure of the polymer itself, also related to the additive types. Some transition metal ions, organic compounds is photodegradation catalysts or sensitizer, they can promote the polymer to generate free radicals, triggering and promote polymer light oxidation reaction.

JiangXieJi is a kind of light can promote or cause light degradation reaction of polymer material. The main purpose of the photodegradation regulator is adjust the induction period length of light degradable plastics, to adapt to the needs of different occasions. The composition of light degradable plastics into general resin photosensitizer and light degradation of resin. There are synergies between different varieties of photosensitizer, design formula should be concentrated photosensitizer and as far as possible.

biodegradable plastics can occur two kinds of light degradation, biodegradation and light degradation, such as plastic greenhouse film, disposed on the ground have sunlight can happen photodegradation, broken into small pieces into the soil and microbial degradation can be sent.

any not absolutely not conductive materials, conductive ability, in order to characterize its insulating ability, usually by using the concept of resistivity. According to the principle of materialist dialectics, everything has a duality, namely people are saying high plastic insulation at the same time, and have to face the high insulation of electrostatic side effects, etc. These side effects tend to cause plastic in the injection molding processing and the use of inconvenience.

plastic produce static because of high insulation, the surface charge and difficult to disperse as friction leak, instead of easy generation formed electrostatic charge accumulation. Therefore, the effective way to eliminate electrostatic plastic in order to improve its electrical conductivity, thus increasing the ability of leakage charge.

in the process of plastic injection molding processing, absorbing dust, static electricity can cause resin film open sex difference, printing and coating is difficult, and so on. Plastic products in use process, when the plastic frictional contact and other objects, are prone to discharge, electric spark is produced. In the shell, electric spark will bring instruments operational failure; Flammable environments, such as in a mine, electric spark can cause fire or explosion. Also, high insulation plastic can lead to its electromagnetic shielding effect is poor, easy to cause electrical misoperation, produce images and sound variation, and so on.

more wonderful sharing: microbial synthesis of polymer, click directly.
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