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Liquid crystal polymer

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
liquid crystal state is a state of matter, there are also the fourth state called material and with the material of solid, liquid, gas and plasma together become a matter of five states, their molecular arrangement sequence degree between fluids and crystalline solid isotropic, namely with fluid flow, but also has solid molecular arrangement direction.

liquid crystal polymer is a special kind of plastic crystal, the crystal with large molecules stretch straight-chain three-dimensional ordered arrangement, belongs to the amylose crystals of a particular species, but also different from the linear crystal. LCD is defined as a certain plastic crystal after hot melt or dissolve, still partly kept orderly arrangement in the crystal phenomenon, presents the anisotropy, forming a combined crystal and liquid part of the performance of the transition state, called a liquid crystal form.

state of liquid crystal polymer is a dream come true high strength of an ideal state. Not all polymer can form liquid crystal state, can form the state of liquid crystal polymer macromolecule chain has strong asymmetry, and for a fairly rigid rod, thin disc conformation, the special geometry and the performance of strong polarity, highly polarizable tomb group or hydrogen bond determines the they have the ability to form liquid crystal.

the classification of liquid crystal polymer
thermal liquid crystal polymer can points to a type of liquid crystal polymer and lyotropic liquid crystal polymer two kinds, the distinguish standard for the change of organization structure is according to the temperature change or related to the solvent existence.
hot to when to determine the melting temperature of the liquid crystal polymer, polymer from amorphous pass through one or more intermediate phase to become a isotropic liquid polymer.

type lyotropic liquid crystal polymer is when it dissolved in solvent can present the mediation phase, but also has the certain concentration range and temperature range, the concentration of reducing or temperature may be transformed into isotropic solution of polymer.

the performance of the liquid crystal polymer
liquid crystal polymer has excellent mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrical properties, some of the liquid crystal polymers show electricity - is also available Light, electricity - Light, heat - memory Optical memory and other excellent performance.
the tensile strength. Liquid crystal polymer basically realized the macromolecular chains are all straight chain extension chain without curling and tangles, and its tensile strength depends on the valence bond rupture stress. But because most of the liquid crystal polymer is not very completely, so the actual tensile strength to some lower than the theoretical calculation.

thermal properties, crystalline polymer thermal deformation temperature is very high. The impact strength and impact strength of liquid crystal polymer is very good. Liquid crystal polymer besides has the excellent properties of the above said, but also has high barrier property, flame retardancy, and good processability, and so on.

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