CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Nano injection

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
the market at present popular mainly PPS of injection molding materials, PBT, PA12, etc. , although these materials and metal combination with the characteristics of the craft, the performance, cost, but also has the corresponding weaknesses.

injection refers to the nano molding technology, is a metal and plastic with nanometer technology combined with technology, metal surface after nanoparticlization processing first, plastic injection molding directly on the metal surface, can let the metal and plastic forming an organic whole, can not only give attention to two or morethings metal texture, appearance also can simplify the product organization design, make the product more light, thin, short, small, and the CNC process more cost effective.

plastic itself has light weight, strong toughness, good abrasion resistance, acid and alkali resistance and other excellent features, but with the development of materials science and application development, in the field of plastic inherent performance cannot meet the needs of the application. High temperature resistant performance, for example, although people have been through the study of synthesis of new polymer monomer and the changing structure of polymer to improve the high temperature resistant performance of plastic, but of no seven meters particles on the performance much better results than the former method, and a much lower. Some properties of plastic not even can get, by adding nano material and plastic as some function.

some nano plastic also has the very high self-extinguishing, low heat release rate ( In terms of relative polymer ontology) And high smoke suppression sex, is the ideal flame retardant materials, such as the clustering has lactone Silicate nanometer plastic and not filled poly ester on the fire 3 OS, take out the nano plastic stops after burning, and maintain its integrity.

so nano molding what are the advantages? First NMT technology simplified and shortened the manufacturing process; But as rubber magnesium metal, reduce the unnecessary surface treatment; The most important is because the NMT is safety and recycling technology, so little impact on the environment. Nano injection become popular nowadays manufacturing materials, nano molding technology in manufacturing industry has a more extensive application, master a foreign technology is mastered the core competitiveness.

with intercalation technique was used to prepare nanometer plastic can be inorganic rigid, dimensional stability and thermal stability and toughness, and machinability of polymer combined perfectly. Contains a small amount ( No more than 10%, usually by about 5%) Clay nano plastic with conventional glass fiber or mineral ( 30%) Reinforced composite rigidity, strength and heat resistance. Nano plastic quality is light, but has the specific strength, specific modulus and without losing its impact strength, can effectively reduce the quality of the products, convenient transportation. At the same time, because of nanometer particles are smaller than the wavelength of the light, nanometer plastic with high gloss and good transparency and aging resistance. The advantage that cannot be compared to other materials, so nano plastic appeared, immediately get the favour of people.

nano injection molding is a not a bolt can achieve assembly of advanced technology, the mobile phone, household appliances, automobile industries take advantage of the integration of the metal and plastic NMT technology, can make some by traditional technology impossible components to be lightweight. Future with nano molding technology becoming more mature, nano molding technology will be applied in more industries, more traditional technology is replaced with nano molding technology will make the concept of more products to become a reality.

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