CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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New way to change mould industry competition way

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
At present our country with the rapid progress of science and technology, to make fundamental changes have taken place in mold technology and manufacturing, has from the traditional manual design, from experienced master of the bench as the leadership skill type to change production methods characterized by digitalization, informatization, automation era of modern mold industry. Market competition should be from domestic, local, the full range of imperfect competition to international competition; Competition in the market, production capacity by the competition to production capacity and circulation ability of competition. China's mold industry long-term price war, led the industry in the world the lows of mold industry, the mold industry in China must begin from transformation of the mode of competition, changing the bottom of China mold and die industry. In addition, China's mold still need from the product competition to brand competition; From the simple pursuit of market competition to quick response to the market competition ability; From the price war to improve product technology content and added value of high-level competition; From the competition for the monetary capital investment to competition for human capital gain. By changing the way of competition, China's mold enterprise to improve the level of their own, get rid of the disadvantages of low malignant bidding, can promote China's mold industry to the next level. Mould technology to set the machinery, electronics, chemistry, optics, materials, computer, precision testing and information network, and many other disciplines, is a comprehensive Gao Xueke system engineering. The development trend of mould technology is mainly mold products toward larger, more sophisticated, more complex and the direction of the rapid economic development. Constantly improve the technical content of the mold, the mold manufacturing cycle shorten constantly, mold production towards information, no PIC, refinement, the direction of automation, mold companies toward technology integration, well-equipped, product branding, management informationization, internationalization direction.
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