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Plastic additives flame retardant formula design

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Different flame retardant mechanism of flame retardant, flame retardant varieties and hundreds, and between different varieties and synergy, therefore, for a specific varieties of flame retardant plastic, how to choose a high efficiency, low price and do not affect the performance of the original formula is very necessary.

when designing a flame retardant formula, is often not only select a flame retardant varieties, but the choice of two or more than two varieties of flame retardant. The flame retardant on flame retardant effects mainly can be divided into flame retardants and auxiliary accelerant. Main propellants are often some good flame retardant effect can give play to the role of the main flame retardant flame retardants, and the auxiliary fuel is some flame retardant effect is not very good, or individual use flame retardant effect is not high, and collaborative use flame retardant effect of flame retardant, often also can have the effect of smoke abatement. Main, auxiliary flame retardant synergy, can achieve very good flame retardant effect.

pure PVC resin has a good flame retardancy, oxygen index up to 45, but must join all kinds of additives in the PVC processing, especially plasticizer, significantly reducing its flame retardancy. Join a large number of soft PVC plasticizer, the oxygen index only 26 or so, sometimes even lower. So in some occasion such as cable materials need to be flame retardant modification. Compatibility with most of the flame retardant PVC resin are all very good, so can choose range is very wide. Plasticizer should choose to have flame retardant phosphate ester as far as possible, use all or part of its instead of plasticizer DOP.

the oxygen index of 25 PC itself, self-extinguishing plastics. But some high flame retardant, flame retardant modification is still required. Just for the amount of flame retardants of less, generally only 5% 15%. PC injection molding processing temperature is high, pay attention to the thermal decomposition of flame retardant.
blending to improve flame retardancy of plastic is to point to to high flame retardant resin is added to flame retardant resin, and then the method to improve the flame retardancy. Blending to improve the flame retardant for in improving flame retardant resins at the same time, the advantages of less influence on other properties. PTFE due to poor liquidity injection molding processing, adding quantity is restricted, so use less. Pure PVC flame retardant is very good, but as a result of PVC decomposition temperature is 140 ℃ or so, only can therefore join alone, and to join with stabilizer.

stratification improve flame retardant plastic refers to the plastic products surface layer of a layer of flame retardant materials, so that products reach the purpose of flame retardant or slow burning a way. This method has the advantage of low cost and don't change products internal performance, sometimes also has some decorative layer. The inflating coating composition have been add flame retardant, its general thin coating. Ornamental and durability is better. The inflating the disadvantage of coating to prevent small fire ignition and the spread of the fire, the fire is too big for base material without protection.

expansion type flame retardant coating has excellent flame retardant effect, under the action of high temperature flame, the coating softened expansion and the formation of a few times thicker than the coating uniform fine porous foam layer. Can isolate the flame on the role of the base material.

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