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Plastic bending performance

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Injection molding processing material shear strength is relatively low tensile strength, bending strength, if lack of shear strength data in the design, recommend the material tensile yield strength of the half value to consider. Impact performance refers to the material tell under impact load without the destruction of a kind of ability, it reflects the material toughness. Plastic materials subjected to the impact of the high and not be destroyed, must satisfy some conditions.

bending performance, sometimes called flexural performance, refers to the vertical effect on its longitudinal axis material under bending stress, on the material surface generated by the stress and strain. Unlike uniaxial tension and compression, bending specimen, a sample surface under compression, while another side stretch, therefore, the bending load stress is tensile stress and compression stress produced by synthesis. Brittle material under bending load is fracture happens, the bending strength is one of the largest external material damage when the fiber stress and compression stress.

characterization of the performance of the shear performance parameters are mainly shear strength and shear modulus. When the material is more than the shear strength of shear load function, material shear failure occurs, while shear modulus reflects the material produced by the shear force deformation resistance. Shear parameters on the shear load under the design of sheet, plate products is a very important performance, especially composed of polymer matrix composite laminate structures, such as layer improper design or not reasonable, it's easy to caused interlaminar shear failure in use. The damage is essentially controlled by shear performance of matrix.

for those large deformation is still not fracture toughness of materials, the bending strength refers to the yield stress of the external fiber. Or generally in the maximum strain of specimen outer fiber reaches 5% of bending stress as its yield strength. Thermoplastics tensile strength, bending strength is generally higher than some of the research report is further confirmed that bend brittleness strength of thermoplastics is about 1 tensile strength of brittleness. 5 times.

the bending modulus is a measure of the stiffness of bending process starting stage. Material stiffness or rigidity in force in the process of plastic product design is a very important concept. Material rigidity for some products such as plastic enclosure, containers, shells, under the action of external force to keep the shape stability is important. Rigid filler in plastic components increase, or enhance fiber, can greatly improve the rigid material.

but in practical applications, the compression load added is not always a moment. For long time, therefore, injection molding processing parts subjected to compression load, the load resistance to creep experiments for a long time, as the basis of design. Material to absorb energy depends not only on his strength, elastic modulus and depend on him. When the material is compressed to him the yield point, the absorption ability with the yield stress is directly proportional to the square divided by the value of modulus of elasticity. Therefore such as thermoplastic elastomer material, the energy is absorbed by the compression tend to be more than metal materials. It has great practical significance in practical application.

can complement the design on the material of rigid parts, for example, due to the direct ratio with the thickness of the three rigidity, so you can take more way to improve rigidity of the product, and more is in the form of reinforcement to increase rigidity. When there is a force of material, resulting in material internal relative slip occurs between adjacent level, the force is defined as shear force. Materials subjected to torsion load caused by the distortion, and materials by the friction pair of another material friction caused by the action of wear and tear, is the typical example of materials subjected to shear force.

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