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Plastic composite modified materials

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
plastic injection tooling composite modified materials mainly include the base material and adhesive is two kinds big, the first is the plastic composite modified with substrate. Base material is compound, with each layer of thin film materials commonly used compound with base material including paper, aluminum foil and plastic film, etc.

the aluminum foil. Aluminum foil with high purity aluminum after multiple rolling into a thin film type base material products. As the composite substrate using aluminum foil has two kinds of soft hard aluminum foil and aluminum foil. In general, the thickness of aluminum foil for 20 - 25 range, and the thickness of the soft aluminum foil in 7 - 9 range. Aluminum foil for itself is very thin, so the apparent mechanical strength is not high, easy to tear, broken, and therefore cannot be used as packaging materials independently must with base material such as paper, plastic composite to exert its high barrier property, high and low temperature resistance and surface appearance, etc.

the aluminum foil to use in the process of rolling lubricating oil. Lubricating oil residue in the aluminum foil will affect the bonding strength of composite products, must be clear. Elimination method with low boiling point solvent for cleaning.

plastic film. The commonly used plastic film are: HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, etc. , in addition to this, sometimes with coating, aluminum plating film and special nylon membrane and so on.

the paper to class. Paper for the advantages of non-toxic, easy to printing, easy to glue and low prices, but it is flammable, opaque, deflated waterproof ability difference, durable thorn sex difference and the disadvantage of low mechanical strength, thus limiting its in moisture and applications of high strength of packing. Paper and plastic composite, both to save its advantages of easy printing, adhesive and increase the moisture, the advantages of high strength. Is commonly used in composite modified paper toughness good, relatively high strength kraft paper, commonly used in fertilizer, flour composite packaging materials, etc.

cellophane. PT is the development and production of products in 1913, general with PT said. The principle of pt is a natural surface sizing agent. Pt points moisture and moisture. Moistureproof glassine paper is coated with nitrocellulose on general cellophane or polyvinylidene chloride resin is made. Ordinary cellophane containing 2% 15% of water-soluble plasticizer, thus improve its brittleness, so is very sensitive to the environment humidity, moisture absorption, water vapor transmittance is also big. But not for moistureproof cellophane this shortcoming. As packaging materials, the advantages of cellophane is: highly transparent, colorless, good rigidity, with no static, polarity, good printing adaptability, low gas permeability, good oil resistance, good gloss, particularly resistant to sunlight and not yellow, not aging, not easy to be soiled pollution, good heat resistance, kink after does not rebound, is a kind of packing material with a long history.

cellophane: are the shortcomings of brittleness is big, especially in very dry conditions more brittle, easy to fracture, cold resistance, resistance to water, no heat sealing effect, although some coated with resin can be some of the heat sealing after sex, but not high heat sealing strength, cannot be used as inner heat sealing materials like that.

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