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Plastic crystal principle

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
the formation of crystal nucleus can be divided into jun each other both nuclear and heterogeneous nucleation. Jun each other nuclear is by the melt in the polymer chain segment orderly arrangement formed by thermal motion chain beam as the crystal nucleus, and the heterogeneous nucleation in foreign adding nucleating agent, impurity and not completely molten residual nucleus or vessel wall as the center, adsorption in the melt polymer chain do orderly arranged to form a nucleus. Largely dependent on the temperature in the process of nucleation and different temperature on the influence of different nucleation mode. Heterogeneous nucleation can occur at high temperature, and all other nuclear only at lower temperature can occur, because temperature is too high, macromolecular chain was too intense, crystal nucleus is not easy to form the nucleus unstable or generated. The growth of the crystal nucleus for the macromolecular chain has formed the nucleus of movement, and around the crystal nucleus formation regular ordered arrangement. Macromolecular chain more easy movement, the higher the temperature, the more conducive to the growth of grain.

plastic crystallization consists of two basic steps, namely, the formation of crystal nucleus and the growth of grain. This like line, first determine good market, and then other people in the market as a benchmark and form a column. Only crystal nucleus formation, can have the growth of the grain, but with the crystal nucleus, grain does not necessarily growth, thus crystal nucleus is necessary and sufficient condition of crystal formation.

crystallization effect on the properties of plastic
thermal performance. The crystallization of plastic can improve its thermal deformation temperature, so as to improve the use of plastic temperature. In plastic crystallization or low crystallinity, the use of plastic temperature of glass transition temperature, when more than 40%, the crystallinity of plastic, the highest temperature can reach the crystallization of plastic near the melting point.
mechanical properties. Plastic modulus, rigidity and hardness are with the increase of crystallinity increasing, the creep and stress relaxation resistance with higher crystallinity improves.

optical performance. Crystal had a great influence on the optical properties of plastics, mainly is the influence of plastic transparency. Crystallization make refractive index difference between crystalline area and amorphous area increases, the refraction and reflection, easy to occur on the interface so that the light transmittance drop, so most of amorphous polymer transparent. If to reduce the density difference between crystalline area and amorphous area and decrease the size of crystallization method, can reduce the effects of crystallization of plastic transparency.

control plastic
tensile control crystallization method. For the crystallization of plastic film and sheet products stretch, can make the crystal broken to form a tiny crystal size, form a series of crystal along the drawing direction, in order to improve its products toughness, and greatly improve the tensile strength.

there are two aspects to control plastic crystal meanings, one is to control the size of the crystallinity, the other is to control the crystallization quality, these two aspects will produce a great impact on the performance of plastic.

melting temperature. Melt temperature is lower, the more conducive to both the formation of crystal nucleus of other nuclear increase crystal growing point, can not only improve the crystallinity and crystal size is reduced, and can therefore in the process of concrete, under the premise that ensure the plasticizing molding, slightly lower melting temperature, good for crystallization.

cooling temperature. Has the greatest effect in the cooling temperature on the crystallinity and crystal quality, is the most effective way to control the crystallization. Slow cooling, can make the plastic crystal in the area to stay longer, so that the crystallinity rise, but slowly cooling easy to produce thick spherulite, adverse to the toughness and good for rigidity and hardness.

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