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Plastic extrusion coating compound modification

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
extrusion coating has the equipment of low cost, low investment, clean production environment, and high efficiency, simple in operation, widely used, etc. Plastic extrusion coating compound modification is a kind of widely used economic and practical methods of composite. It will polyethylene thermoplastic plastic base material such as plastic melt in the extrusion machine, from T out of the nose, under the extrusion of composite roller and cooling roller to another base material composite together, after cooling, made of composite materials. Extrusion coating and extrusion compound difference is that it is only a kind of base material in a molten state, while another base material in the molten state, and several co-extrusion composite substrate in a molten state. Nantong on plastic products factory to provide professional injection molding processing customization service for you.

plastic extrusion coating can be used for almost all of the base material, including T head out with molten base material is commonly polyene class, rather than a melting processing base material for all kinds of plastic film, foil and paper, etc. , can be suitable for various printing base material of the composite. For performance differ big plastic composite and usually need to add adhesive, aluminum, plastic composite to increase the strength of the composite material composite.

the air gap. Air gap for opening mold to the distance between the cooling roller, pressure roller contact line. Air gap is big, the heat loss is too big, melting temperature is low, at contact composite strength is poor, small air gap, polyethylene oxidative melting time is short, also affect the effect of compound.

base material processing. Painful is to make a corona of base material, in order to increase the compatibility with another base material, the other is a, such as the substrate after using adhesive glue with solvent to remove the solvent to be fully dry, residual solvent, the more the lower the intensity of composite.

cooling temperature. Cooling temperature is too high, can make the composite film transparency, prone to sticking phenomenon and package roller, cooling temperature is too low, and will reduce the strength of composite.

extrusion temperature. Extrusion temperature has two meanings: one is the higher the temperature, from the mouth flow of polyethylene melt material more fully oxidized easily, make its surface polarity, thus increasing the compatibility of composite. Another is the temperature is too high, the polyethylene surface excessively hot air oxidation and increase the difficulty, complex operation generates a large amount of smoke, work environment, so the extrusion temperature wants moderate, make the composite strength and heat sealing strength is good.

composite pressure. Composite pressure is through the rubber roller and cooling roll extrusion to fulfill each other, the size of the composite pressure affect the composite strength. Pressure to maintain uniformity, that is, to ensure the whole axis pressure is consistent, or composite materials will appear buckling.

the traction speed and extrusion. Traction speed and extrusion amount can affect the strength of the composite material composite. Pulling speed is lower, extrusion, the greater the amount of the composite strength is higher, but the low speed of composite will seriously affect the production efficiency.

more wonderful sharing: 【 Injection molding processing VIP 】 Plastic solvent-free composite modification, click directly.
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