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Plastic frictional and wear resistance

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Frictional and wear resistance of plastic are two both independent and interrelated concepts. Plastic frictional refers to two contact body movement difficulty degree, between two objects is the easier movement, grinding, the better. Plastic wear resistance between two contact bodies movement caused the loss degree of object, the smaller the loss degree, its wearability, the better. Generally two contact bodies movement, requires both its grinding is good, and ask its wearability.

plastic after low foaming modification, can form many smile in the injection molding products processing porosity. The porosity can be effective absorption and reduce the damage of blunt skills, so as to achieve the effect of toughening. The shortcomings of low plastic foam toughening was to make the material rigidity have fallen sharply, which often affects its practical application, and therefore is not widely used.

friction is said there is relative motion between two touch each other object or relative motion trend, its contact surface against each block relative motion of the mechanical action. Static friction factor is defined as a trend of relative sliding between the two touch each other objects, the contact surface on the block produced by the relative motion of the maximum friction force and the ratio of the normal force on the surface of the contact. Lubrication friction factor than low friction factor, no lubrication and oil lubrication friction factor is less than the friction factors of water lubricated.

in the injection molding products processing surface of the metal layer after chemical modification, can improve the impact of different level. Friction factor and the relationship between the temperature, the influence of temperature on the friction factor is not too big, the influence of the overall trend is: under 300 ℃ temperature, temperature rise, friction factor is also increased, but the temperature exceeds 300 ℃, with temperature rise, friction factor was worse instead. In general, the roughness of the surface of medium, the greater the friction factor. But there are other circumstance, the smaller the roughness of the steel, its corresponding gets larger friction factor. Within the scope of the equivalent load, the friction factor along with the increase of load and slow down.

plastic abrasion wear resistance generally available. Abrasion is said two objects in relative to the friction of the contact surface in the process of continuous loss phenomenon, sometimes referred to as the wear and tear. Grinding crack width is defined as a material surface and the rotating wheel surface friction, the width of the dent on the material surface. Grinding crack width is larger, the poor wear resistance.

material of frictional and wear resistance are two different concepts. Some resin grinding is very good, but wearability is poor. The wear resistance of some material is very good, but it is not very good grinding. As wear-resisting situations and applications of plastic, the most ideal state of good wear resistance and frictional, namely has low wear resistance and friction resistance.

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