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Plastic heat resistance

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Thermal deformation temperature or the load bending temperature, he is a standard sample in 1. 82 mpa or 0. 46 mpa under load, bending to the degree of regulation of temperature. Rigid plastic injection molding processing, low load applied to high load is applicable to engineering plastics and solid plastic. Comparison of different plastic HDT should pay attention to the loading of the load. The vicat softening temperature is prescribed conditions, the load of 1 kg or 5 kg load the cross-sectional area of 1 mm & sup2; Flat needle, Pierce the temperature at which the sample 1 mm deep, this test method is applicable to most of the low heat resistance of thermoplastic plastics.

high temperature for a short time contact, or long-term work under high temperature of plastic parts, plastic parts design, to consider the material's ability to withstand high temperature. Need, for example, high temperature sterilization of materials or packaging materials, need to adopt the surface installation technology of electronics, microwave baking container, on-line coating of auto parts, and can produce high temperature friction device and electric heater shell, etc.

the typical high temperature resistant plastic with polyimide back PPS, tetrachloroethylene, liquid crystal polymers, including high temperature resistance is one of the best polybenzimidazole, thermal deformation temperature can reach 435 ℃. But the high temperature resistance, the better, the more expensive. By changing the structure and composition to improve general materials of heat resistance level is a material engineer to explore one of the topics. In this regard, there has been much research to be used in practice.

in the definition of plastic heat resistance, is must pay attention to some, the material temperature tolerance and the parts work time, is to distinguish between short-term contact with high temperature or long-term exposure to high temperature. A material A might B resistance to high temperature higher than the material in A short time, but in the case of contact with high temperature for A long time may be material is better than B. Resistance temperature of the material related to the nature of work, the working state of the parts. Its reason is various characteristics of the plastic performance generally does not change with temperature and are in the same way.

when parts used as structure materials for mechanical properties of the minimum allowed to retain value as a reference to calibrate the highest use temperature limit, when used as insulation materials, parts, with the lowest performance should be allowed to keep value as a reference, when there is a chemical medium, will be more sensitive to changes in temperature, used to allow for maximum temperature cap may be far lower than the above situation. Plastic heat resistance, or allow the use of the upper limit of temperature, is in terms of the use of parts, the use of environment, type and size and function of the load, the length of time.

material thermal properties is by its composition and internal structure of macromolecules, he's hot sex for internal molecular motion is actually a response under the action of the external heat energy, therefore, by changing the composition and structure can improve the performance of its related to changes in temperature, thus expanding the scope of the use. Heat resistance, simple refers to the material of heat tolerance. It is usually based on injection molding processing parts in maintaining normal circumstances can withstand the working state of the highest temperature measured.

plastic heat resistance mainly depends on its internal structure, the size of the bond energy. Due to structural reasons, compared with materials such as metals, ceramics, plastic heat temperature is lower, and the use of the narrow temperature range. General of general plastic, heat-resisting temperature does not exceed 100 ℃, heat-resistant temperature of the engineering plastics in 100 - 150 ℃ range, special engineering plastics can be resistant to high temperature above 200 ℃.

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