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Plastic injection molding processing insufficient filling phenomena appeared in the process of how to solve

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic injection molding process, will appear all sorts of problems, and insufficient filling is the probability of the larger phenomenon, so what is the cause of insufficient filling? We should be how to solve, xinxiang chongda plastic electronics co. , LTD. , injection molding processing factory for many years injection tooling manufacturer for all to share.

a, plastic injection molding processing insufficient filling main reason has the following several aspects:

1, the insufficient capacity of resin.

2, within the cavity pressure is insufficient.

3, resin liquidity shortage.

4, exhaust effect is not good.

2, plastic injection molding processing insufficient filling how to solve:

1, longer injection time, prevent the molding cycle is too short, cause the gate before curing resin countercurrent and difficult to full of mold.

2, increase the speed of injection.

3, improve the mold temperature.

4, raise the temperature of the resin.

5, increasing injection pressure.

6, enlarge the gate size. Usually the height of the gate shall be equal to the product wall thickness 1/2 ~ l / 3.

7, gate Settings in products wall thickness. Think big.

8, set exhaust slot ( Groove depth at 0. 01 ~ 0. Change between 3 mm, about 5 ~ 10 mm wide, with plastic varieties and decide) Or exhaust rod. For smaller workpiece is more important.

9, choose low viscosity grade of the material.

10, add lubricant.

to find the causes of deficiency of filling, the installation of the above method, 99% of the phenomenon of insufficient filling can be solved, if still not solved, it must be to consider whether the mold itself, operations, such as plastic particles reasons, after all of these factors can lead to insufficient filling phenomena of injection molding process.
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