CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Plastic mold factory how to promoted to plastic mold factory?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
First of all, we to the analysis of the simple analysis of the difference between the plastic mould processing and plastic mold factory, a lot of friends to see a title or writing articles would say this is clearly a delving into guys. Many people used to confuse the two, but & quot; Factory & quot; With & quot; Mold factory & quot; The actual is completely different. We often say the plastic mold processing plants, can be understood as a plastic mold parts processing center, or the size of the machining shop, general processing according to the drawing; But plastic mold factory, usually refers to a system of enterprises, can provide the corresponding solutions, pay more attention to service. Whether open plastic mold processing shop is open plastic mold factory friends don't have a clear concept, with both want to develop it is rather difficult, often a person environment determines the pattern of the landscape and determines its development. Your career is always a machining shop or a factory or business? This has nothing to do with the size of the stage, is more of a management system and operation mode. Some ten years before the mold factory boss mostly in changshu buy suites, are better than hard work in the mold industry, this is a true portrayal, the average life span for the enterprise, but three to five years closed natural needless to say, to survive, even marking time also is very not easy. We talk to bear huge risk investment on the purpose of the factory, the first is to solve the problem of food and clothing, and then to his wife and children to family parents more rich material life, more security, later, have a big circle, began to compare, to meet their own vanity, until there is enough money, that money can solve the problems are not problems, start from shi, begin to do charity, begin to do research and development, in the slogan of serving the people, the best piece of applause and praise, this is the dream of all entrepreneurs. In front of us a very real problem, domestic entrepreneurship low starting point, a milling machine grinding machine also can start machining shop or can also refer to mold factory. With or without orders, have technology, have management experience, business ethics, market supervision and administration to handle business license can not to the inspection, the surface that is a good support for national tax, to look deeper, it is irresponsible act on the economy. As mentioned, a qualified factory, need to have their own stable source of business, need to have a professional management team and technical team, also have business ethics, has its own corporate culture and social mission, thus forming a large system, and this system is like a sun, he was able to use their own internal energy. Again looked back at the factory closed, most can only say that machining shop, lack of vitality, no initiative, destiny moment control by the hand of the market. Presenting the plastic mold industry, some factories in ten years, the scale never change, never increase turnover, we should believe piaffe actual has been eliminated in the osmosis, some mold factory starting point, the same 3 liang years of great change, the scale expanded N times, largely to produce the key point in the boss's vision of the gap and pattern. Changshu smooth plastic products factory adjacent to the baoan airport, in the beautiful phoenix mountains back, quiet and pure and fresh environment more suitable for manufacturing precision and exquisite mold. We are a modern plastic mold manufacturing, injection molding processing factories, we are not the largest mold factory, but we have the most powerful team, good product development, solving all of the structure and mold technology, to protect your product development. We manufacture business design of medical, military industry, digital, home appliances, aviation and other fields, recognised by the domestic and foreign customers consistent, is also the long-term partner of the United States GE GE, flextronics group of qualified suppliers. Welcome your enquiries - 400 Well up to 9600308, to learn more about information ( www。 szhky。 com. cn) Log on to our website home page, click on the right side of the online customer service consulting, smooth to serve you wholeheartedly.
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