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Plastic mold manufacturers to get rid of the price war must enhance core competitiveness

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Domestic currently engaged in the mold production of plastic mold factory is more, but the relatively small size, model, basic it is small mill don't have any content of science and technology. Small mold products basic it is imitation, lead to more and more homogeneity of mid-range mold. Mould companies facing overcapacity, inventory backlog problem. Mold enterprise in order to improve sales, will reduce the price of the products. A few mould companies reduce the price, eventually lead to the whole industry in trouble, enterprise's profit is less and less. When profits continuously compressed, no extra money for product research and development enterprise. This leads to a vicious process, appear such situation and the industry of science and technology level is low, the price war continues to make the domestic mold industry in the world of mould industry in a low position. Mould industry, especially in plastic mould manufacturer wants to grow, must be increased research and development, increase scientific and technological content, to produce products with core competitiveness. Increase the intensity of product research and development, can really change the competitive pattern. Mold enterprise in China should be improving technological content of products, from the current price competition to the competition of science and technology. Taking market share from the simple profit, not become a common profit share market. Believe that Chinese enterprises after the transformation of the mode of competition, the enterprise's production level can significantly enhance, effectively get rid of vicious competition, let the mold industry to the next level. After long-term development, mould industry is currently in the rising period. At this stage, the mold enterprise should adopt what way of development, become the major problems in plastic injection mold manufacturer of positive thinking.
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