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Plastic mould design structure factors to consider

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic mould design based on the correct plastic product design, and mold design and manufacture of closely related to plastic processing. Plastic processing of the success or failure depends largely on the influence of mold design and mold manufacturing quality. Factors to consider in the design of plastic mold structure is:

1. Parting surface, i. e. closed mold cavity die and the interaction between male die contact surface. The choice of location and shape of the product shape and appearance, wall thickness, the molding methods, the post-processing technology, mold type and structure, demoulding method and machine structure and other factors.

2。 Structural components, namely the slider, tilt the top of the straight at the top of the block, etc. Complex mould. The design of the structure components is very important, and die life, processing cycle, costs related to the quality of the product. Therefore, in the mold the modalities of core in the design, the designer must seek a more comprehensive design, the most simple, durable and more economical design solutions.

3。 Precision mould, that is, to avoid adhesion, accurate positioning, guide pin, positioning pin, etc. Positioning system (GPS) and the appearance quality of the products, mold quality, the service life. In view of the different mold structure choose the different localization way. Positioning accuracy depends mainly on process control. Internal model positioning is mainly designed by the designer, the purpose is to give full consideration to, and design a more reasonable, more easy to adjust the positioning of the method.

4。 Gating system, that is, from injection molding machine nozzle to the cavity of the incoming channel. Including the main sprue, runner, gate and cold chamber. In particular, should choose the location of the gate, in order to make the molten plastic flow can be a good way to fill the cavity. Opening mould, in connection with the product solid cold runner and gate materials could easily pop up from the mold. ( Does not include the hot runner mold) 。

5。 Plastic shrinkage and various factors affected the accuracy of product size ( Mould manufacturing and assembly errors, mold wear, etc. ) 。 In addition, in the design of compression and injection molds, also must consider the matching machine process and structure parameters. Computer aided design technology is widely used in plastic mold design.
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