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Plastic screen will bring about the global technological changes

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
When the iphone worldwide, whether you also for fragile glass screen? Often listen to friends complain that the screen without reason of crack, change a screen is not as good as the machine to replace, finally the problem will be completely eradicated. Material or for change the phone's screen, mitsubishi chemical performance polymers (this summer MCPP) Attention, because the company introduced the world's first alternative smartphones inorganic glass screen plant-based plastics. Mitsubishi chemical revealed that the company has with the German Gr? Sslin Kunststoffe company new market sales agreement, to sell its Durabio material. This kind of material made of plant base isosorbide can replace the current controversial chemicals & ndash; — Bisphenol A (bpa). This is the world's first biological engineering plastics used in smartphones front panel, the material overcomes the disadvantages of the traditional plastic, and overcome the glass screen fissility's biggest problem at the same time has good optical properties. Parlings give Durabio is labelled as a marketing term & other; It has excellent product performance, and is a plant-based materials. ” The purpose of the company to develop this kind of material is to find a better alternative products, to replace the application encoded music and other optical media in the PC. MCPP said, compared with the traditional PC Durabio and wear properties and optical properties were better. At the fair, MCPP top also said that they saw their new levels in the European market bioplastics poly butyl diacid butyl glycol ester ( ( PBS) Potential, because the local government pay more and more attention to waste problem. Plastic bags, disposable tableware, compostable film and PE liner of paper cups, can use this material. Meier says, paper cups of PE liner will interfere with the recovery system, but the biological base PBS will not have this problem. Mitsubishi chemical industry is currently in Thailand's PTT chemical industry, building a house in Thailand for 20000 tons/year bio-based PBS factory. This is the world's first commercially scale the biological basis of PBS factory, is expected to be launched this year. Can think, when our plastic PBS screen depending on the traditional inorganic glass screen, plastic mould industry will inject new blood again, this is eagerly anticipated by his all mould manufacturer of technological change. Any a kind of technology breakthrough will lead the progress of the industry, as well as some traditional enterprises will be eliminated.
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