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Plastic tensile and blending method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic tensile enhanced enhancement is a very efficient method, but only suitable for extrusion and rolling forming two kinds of methods, and only can be used for thin wall products. Plastic tensile enhancement refers to the injection molding products processing temperature below the melting point of appropriate exert certain one-way or two-way traction force of a method to improve its tensile strength.

plastic tensile enhancement mechanism is: the maximum limit to improve orientation degree, and the varying degree to broken the original crystal to form a series of crystal, improve the quality of crystallization, both can also improve the degree of crystallinity, these are beneficial to the improvement of the tensile strength.

plastic blending modification is in general resin with high strength resin to improve the tensile strength of a modified method. Plastic mixing enhancement modification can be divided into general blend and molecular composite blending two kinds. General blending enhancement method is in for reinforced resin with high strength resin.

molecular composite blending enhancement method is in for reinforced resin mixed with rigid rod-like liquid crystal polymer blending method, this blend is also referred to as in situ composite material, he can significantly improve the tensile strength of the blend. In essence, molecular composite blend fiber reinforced technology development and continuation. Because of the rigid rod polymer materials, can be regarded as a kind of super fiber, its molecular diameter size, coupled with its molecular chain length is very long, and thus has considerable length to diameter ratio. This kind of super fiber dispersion in molecular level in the flexible polymer matrix, can obtain significant modification effect.

as a result of in situ composites is more flexible and rigid polymer blending polymer, as a result of structural differences between compatibility is poor, so usually need to join the compatilizer.

in processing plastic products surface of metal layer, can significantly improve the tensile strength, can be used to layer and enhancing modification of metal materials for high strength metal. Because the crosslinked polymer formed chemical bonding between macromolecular chain, and external force on the fracture occurs, whatever macromolecular chain arrangement, conquer primary bond force between molecules, and thus can improve the tensile strength. Plastic crosslinking make tensile strength increases with the increase of crosslinking degree is nonlinear, the change curve for casting the shape. Started with the increase of crosslinking degree, the tensile strength decline with the increase of crosslinking degree.

in order to make the TP/LCP blend formed in situ composite material, in process must satisfy some special conditions. Viscosity, viscosity of the viscosity of dispersed phase LCP must not be greater than that of the matrix, it is advantageous to the dispersed phase LCP form high length to diameter ratio of micro fiber. High base viscosity can promote the LCP more orientation. Processing temperature on the formation of liquid crystal fiber has an important influence. Stretching is an effective method for the formation of LCP micro fiber, therefore to improve the shear rate. For extrusion molding, increasing draw ratio, for the processing of injection molding, injection rate.

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