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Polymer blending related instructions

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
polyolefin-g-mah/polymer morphology is one of the most basic factors determine its performance, due to the heterogeneity polyolefin-g-mah/polymer, the composition of different have different morphological structure, even if the same set of blending, also due to the different processing conditions, resulting in different morphological structure.

an amorphous polymer blend
the morphological characteristics of the total system of the morphological structure of an amorphous polymer blend system can be divided into three types, single phase continuous structure, two mutually lock structure and through two phase structure in a row.
1。 Single phase continuous structure refers to the composition of blend of two phase only one phase is continuous, and the other is dispersed phase, content of the larger part of a continuous phase, the smaller parts of dispersed phase. According to the structure of the dispersed phase is different, can be divided into four kinds of structure.

A. Dispersed phase irregular shape. General mechanical blending of morphological structure of polymer alloys is the dispersed phase particle size is differ, irregular shape, particle size is usually 1 - Around 100.

B。 Rules of dispersed phase particles. This structure, the dispersed phase particles generally spherical, diameter of about 1, the interior of the particles is not included or contain very small amounts of continuous phase composition.

C。 Dispersed phase to the cellular structure or sausage. This structure is characterized by dispersed phase particles contained within a continuous form other branch office of smaller particles. Therefore, within the dispersed phase and can form the smaller tolerance for each other branch office as the dispersed phase, and constitutes a dispersed phase particles become continuous phase, cross section shape of the dispersed phase particles like sausages, so called sausage structure.

D。 The dispersed phase is lamella structure. Dispersed phase is slightly flaky dispersed in continuous phase matrix, when the dispersed phase concentration increases, the formation of layered structure. The structure of polyolefin-g-mah/has excellent barrier property and permanent antistatic performance.

2。 Two mutual lock or staggered structure. This kind of structure is also known as the two phase coexistence continuous structure, including the layered structure and interlock structure. Is characterized by various components are not formed typical continuous phase, only exist in obvious staggered arrangement structure, it is difficult to distinguish which one is which one is the continuous phase dispersed phase.

3。 Each other through the two phase structure in a row. So-called each other through two phase structure is two or more consecutive crosslinking polymer through each other and form a disguised form of structure system. With the structure of polymer blend become interpenetrating polymer network.

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