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Polypropylene foam plastics

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Wen injection tooling/VIP
in recent years, the development of foam plastic soon, in many countries and regions, both in production and varieties in increasing rapidly. With plastic as the basic composition, by physical or chemical methods fill a lot of bubbles, can get the foam. Compared with the pure plastic, it has the density is small, higher than strength, energy absorption capacity and noise insulation performance is good, and a series of characteristics, has been in the transportation, aerospace and other fields and is widely used.

according to the bubble foam moulding foaming power source, generally can be divided into mechanical foaming, physical foaming and chemical foaming three types. Mechanical foaming is by means of blowing agent in the resin the change of physical state, form a lot of bubbles. Chemical foaming is depend on the changes of chemical foaming agent produces gas resin foam.

foaming process of foamed plastics in general can be divided into two stages: the first is in the plastic melt or liquid form in a large number of uniform, fine bubbles, and then expand as required by the bubble structure, the final curing qualitative will be fixed bubble structure, get the foam. Nantong on plastic products factory, to provide you with injection molding processing, precision injection molding processing, and other plastic processing services.

PP foam plastic molding methods such as extrusion, injection and molding. Extrusion is one of the main methods of foam plastic molding processing, the general special-shaped material, plate, pipe material, diaphragm and foaming or chemical foaming two foaming method. Physical foaming mainly adopts some fluorocarbon compounds and their mixture, and other low boiling point liquid, direct injection gas physical foaming hair also in PP foam plastics extrusion has been applied in the process. Effects of extrusion foaming process parameters include: extrusion pressure, extrusion temperature, the retention time of the material in the extruder, mouth membrane axial pressure, etc. In general, with the increase of base pressure, bubble hole size, bubble hole number; High quality foam only within a narrow range of temperatures. The higher the melt temperature, the lower the polymer melt strength, foaming pressure inside the bubble is likely to be more than a bubble surface tension so that the bubble burst. Must be determined according to specific polymer system optimization, a suitable foaming temperature, residence time within the extension of the material in the extruder, will increase the number of air bubbles.

PP foam plastic mould pressing craft by molding products, mould pressing craft of the plastic foam can be divided into step method and the two steps. One-step process of foam is a one-time, after mixing of materials, molding billet, and then heating pressure to send a bottle to foam plastics. Two footwork step method and the basic program, a foam, part of the decomposition of foaming agent to make foaming material part, cooling, then strike in the second foam under atmospheric pressure. Because the two steps foaming material expansion rate greatly reduced, foaming ratio can be increased. There are many types of specific molding methods, visual form of raw materials, products of the case may be.

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