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PP hollow plate color customized processing

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PP hollow plate because of its unique properties are widely used in packaging, transport, industry, household appliances and other industries, also called plastic hollow board, its raw material is PP polypropylene, it not only moisture, pressure, and still. Environmental protection, it is important to its sound insulation effect is very good. Plastic hollow board tap is one of the hollow plate products, from production to test the factory design, every step is very strict, so customers buy this product also can be at ease use.

hollow board most common color is blue, white, as hollow plate production and processing factories, we can make different thickness, a variety of color according to customer requirements of different levels of hollow plate. According to the different needs of customers, to provide customers with personalized custom services. The color of the ordinary plastic hollow board, for example, common is blue, white, black, so we can provide customers with what color?
1, in fact this is not an accurate answer, in general, if the customer has no special requirements, the manufacturer they can be made into black, white, blue, etc. , it looks more easy to recognize, and if the customer has asked the color of the tap, the manufacturer will be carried out in accordance with the relevant standard production design.
2, there are a lot of people at the time of purchase of hollow plate, can choose different color, so that they can in the later when machining is more convenient to distinguish the type of the finished product.
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