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PP leak board what are the advantages compared with traditional leak board?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
With the development of modern science and technology, aquaculture also produced the change of quality and quantity, from the traditional model to modern large-scale routing, farm environment and equipment are changing so much. Modern pig farms in order to keep the field clean health, improve the environment condition du, reduce artificial cleaning, generally used fecal leak urine channel laying on the floor. At present a lot of modern pig farm has started to use PP material leak board, but there are still some pig still use the traditional cement or other plastic material of the leak. The PP material leak board what advantage compared with traditional leak board?
traditional leak plate types are: concrete leak leak board, wooden board, steel leak floor, aluminum, plastic steel leak leak floor floor
leak woodiness floor is mainly used in piglets, calf, or lamb. Leak wooden floor service life of the shortest, usually only 2 ~ 4 years, if the high strength to use ( The trough and around the sink) , life will be more short. Leak wooden floor is wet, the floor bending deformation ( Especially in less than 7. 6 cm wide) , wear and tear, improper installation, fast and highly uneven will affect the animal production performance, such as wood leak to facilitate change the floor.
the most durable concrete cracks in the floor, especially suitable for large animals, such as more than 35 kg of pigs and cows, prefabricated or on-site pouring. According to different floor surface design animals into different forms, usually the cow of concrete cracks in floor surface to checker or grooved, while piggery multi-purpose smooth surface. Plate should be 0. 6 cm wide rolling edge to prevent crushing, facilitate cleaning and reduce the hoof disease.
steel leak floor is mainly used for small animals, most of the steel cracks in the floor needs to be supported, due to the lower corrosion, so the service life of steel leak floor usually is 2 ~ 4 years, paint can extend its service life.
aluminum leak the material of the floor uniform can make precise, portable in material handling and transportation, light is easy to clean, but the weight is larger animals will be very slippery; If you don't strong support, have noise when animals walking around, may make timid animal frightened. Aluminum leak floor in the use of the biggest problem is corrosion and damage.
plastic steel leak floor, if there are no rough on the coating or textured surface will be very slippery. Glass fiber reinforced plastic cracks in the floor are common used in piggery childbirth and conservation of piggery, leak of fiber bundles can make the glass fiber reinforced plastic floor is more durable.
leak board should consider when select material material durability, comfort, cost, and management, and other factors, a comprehensive choice. The leak of traditional material plate in different extent, affected the pig's healthy growth. Recommended by the

chongda plastic PP environmental leak board has corrosion resistance, anti-aging, large bearing capacity, small temperature difference, it does not hurt nipple pig's feet, high fire resistance, easy to install and portable, fire safety and other advantages. According to different pig growth period, choose different space design, installation, the product of light weight, installation of light, and help adequate ventilation, to reduce the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms. Want to learn more leak board details welcome consultation: 18137150774
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