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PP plastic hollow board daily basic maintenance methods

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Hollow board is a kind of packaging products, it can be used for packaging various items, we know that the hollow board is a kind of anticorrosive environmental health of the packaging of a product, its life span is very long, can be repeated use. Is as good as a packaging product. For the use of the hollow plate, of course, we also need the right daily use and maintenance it. So it will be longer service life. Below we'll look at pp hollow plate curing method.
1, pp hollow board turnover box original material heat resistance is poor, so the pp material to make hollow board turnover box should pay attention to avoid sun exposure for a long time. Affected by sunlight PP hollow board turnover box easy to aging, affect the service life.
2, pp hollow board turnover box, easy to deformation. So the device PP hollow board turnover box, the goods cannot be cast from the sky should be paid attention to. Reasonable placement of the goods shall be in strict accordance with the goods pile up, don't put in the one place in the oven, or eccentric pile up.
3, use pp hollow board turnover box cannot throw fall from a height, avoid fiercely impact damage to hollow board turnover box and crack, etc.

4, pp hollow plate in transportation engineering or manual hydraulic forklift operation, it should be noted in the fork as far as possible after smooth lift the tray, can transform Angle. Fork thorn shall not impact the tray side so as not to cause the pallet broken, indirect PP hollow board turnover box and damaged goods. Tray on the shelf, shelf type tray must be used, bearing capacity on the basis of shelf structure and decide, do not overload use.
that is pp hollow plate curing method, hope to be of help.
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