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PP plastic plate during welding must ensure that no dust welds

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic is one of the engineering plastics in the common plastic form, and PP plastic sheet is one of important part! For PP plastic sheet, not just for the installation need when using the cutting process, sometimes because of the size of the PP board will there's a big gap to select basic welding process, for the welding of PP plastic sheet compared PP plate cutting is more technical, so need to welding the PP board when there are items which need to be aware of? Changshu smoothly for plastic products factory to talk about PP plastic sheet which problems should be paid attention to during welding?

general PP plate welding is the use of hot welding way, of course, is not much for gas used in welding requirements, but for the basic PP plate welding can choose hot air welding way, manufacturers need to be reminded that the PP board is for some of the basic ways to say, when welding the manual welding way, requires a higher relative to some, of course, for the PP board, not to say that all the basic PP board can be used in welding, PP board manufacturer it is best to use the same PP board to welding, must want to ensure there is no dust spot welding with PP board.
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