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Primary school desks and chairs maintenance matters needing attention

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
For students desks and chairs we are familiar with, with the constant improvement of the level of education, primary school desks and chairs also nearly a year to replace a batch of, how to maintain a school student desks and chairs? Here let's desks and chairs factory to introduce primary school desks and chairs and maintenance instructions, to let you have better clear on it.
in the first place, students desks and chairs and maintenance should start from the users themselves, not graffito of the scribble on the desks and chairs, at the same time to not hit not play desks and chairs. Besides primary school desks and chairs are also nothing can surpass this. How the air circulation, dry areas than, never approached the fire or damp walls, but also the urgent need from the sun drying.

in addition, the beautiful scenery on the primary school desks and chairs, proper use MAO shan ditching, by hook or by crook not wipe cloth with water, at the same time also can not get with buck, suds, laundry detergent to wipe, immune effect desks and brightness.
time in translation student desks and chairs, no need to push hard hard to pull, so very easily so that the table legs ChenQian or destruction. Meanwhile steel desks and chairs should also avoid touching water, often prevent them rust. Of course also for fixed number of year of desks and chairs for a perfect nursing, about once in two months time.
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