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PS prices continue to rise in pressure plastic packaging enterprises

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Well da plastic products factory in changshu learned from plastic industry websites that since the fourth quarter of 2016, styrene monomer prices soared, PS prices and share prices continue to rise, in February this year set a new record. Elipso and IK issued a joint statement, it is pointed out that a lot of factories in North America and Asia have in parking overhaul, PS production has declined.

warned European plastic packaging manufacturers on behalf of the enterprise, in the first quarter of 2017, they face the high cost of polymer, especially polystyrene ( PS) 。 French plastic Elipso, Germany plastic packaging and flexible packaging organization, IK said the situation & other For processing enterprises is very dramatic & throughout; 。

  “ These uncertain factors in affecting the global market, it is not predict appropriate will only get better. ” Said the two organizations, and predicted that prices of raw materials in the first half of 2017 will continue to remain high. They called for PS integrated producers to come up with a way to deal with this situation as soon as possible.

  “ When considering the future, a good economic judgment is very important, & throughout; Elipso and IK said, & other; After all, PS plastic processing enterprises and EPS plastic processing enterprises facing financial pressure will be more and more big. Given the already thin profit, must want to ensure the survival of enterprises, and improve the innovation ability. Fortunately, more and more customers have understood, suppliers can not control the situation. ”
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