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Resolve how to classify different perspectives on the hollow board turnover box!

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
As people living standard unceasing enhancement, the performance requirements of packaging products will increase. Because they worry about the product being shipped to all over the country on the way, packing quality problems, resulting in destruction product performance, gradually began to consider using hollow board box, compared with common logistics box, hollow crate hollow plate box has the earthquake effect, the product on the way to avoid product shipped on the way to protect product performance was not damaged, reduce the loss to the company. So hollow board turnover box how to classify? To share the following:
1, from the point of appearance, can be divided into normative, oblique plug-in and dislocation patterns.
2, according to the performance points covered and no lid.
3, points can be divided according to the function have anti-static and anti-static.
4, according to box cover points can be divided into can flip with flat cover.
5, the application of the most common are normative hollow board turnover box, can pile type, according to the contour points of these standard type: whether it has a complete lid or not can't cover, affect the two boxes or more flexible stack of box.
6, can also convenient turnover at the same time the cost of back and forth, but this stack hollow board turnover box, the characteristics of inclined plug-in turnover box is to reduce the volume of a storage chamber. Must form a complete set of lid used at the same time.
in general, the hollow board turnover box is according to the above seven points, you can purchase according to demand.

chongda plastic factory production of hollow board turnover box USES the food grade PP material, environmental health, not easy damaged, wear-resisting durable, high velocity, the thickness of the hollow plate, color can be according to customer demand for personalized custom, provide personalized service, welcome to inquire for more details: 18137150774
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