CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Technology innovation and promotion is vital element in the development of plastic mold factory

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Technology and quality is always the main development direction in plastic injection mold manufacturer, without the development of innovative technology industry there are too many obstacles. Believe in the future days, with the improving of the efforts to innovative technology and independent research and development into a real mainstream domestic mould industry. With the continuous development of mould industry in our country, for the needs and requirements of the mold are also gradually increase. Which is the industry technology on promoting greater power. Look at the international market, in recent years, artificial cost increase of industrial developed countries, its shift towards developing countries, especially in southeast Asia countries. The home is given priority to with high production, precision mould, mold rely on imports to solve of artificial labor inputs. Therefore, the medium mould international market potential is very huge. As long as the quality of the plastic mould factory can have improved, delivery guarantee, mold export prospects are very optimistic. In addition, the mold standard parts demand is very big also. At present, only a small amount of export in our country. “ At present, the domestic market is a big demand for high-grade mold, among them, household appliances, cars, demand for mold plastic products industry is the largest. ” ” Five-year & quot; During mold market overall trend steadily upward, but it requires the domestic mold must be in terms of quality, delivery time meet the needs of users. In addition from the developing trend of mechanical manufacturing technology, the efficient nc machine tools in the plastic mould manufacturer in China in the future will increase year by year, the proportion of the demand of advanced efficient tool will then increase rapidly. In addition, due to China's labor costs increase, cheap knife price advantage will be lost. Status that increased demand for advanced CNC machine tools, the tools industry in China must change concept, vigorously develop efficient and advanced tools of production, pay attention to the sales at the same time, more should pay attention to after-sales service, efforts to innovation occupy more market share. Industry innovations, improve technology of mould industry in China has been in the mould occupies a wide range of own position. Along with our country mold product quality improve at the same time, domestic mould industry has become the focus of the world, the market has moved to come over. In the future the development of the industry, technological innovation is the main nature, technology promotion is necessary, it is the most important industry rapid development and market demand conditions. Though mould industry started late in China, early for a long time is also a low-end products as the main, but as the gradual transition, plastic mold factory has before the new opportunities.
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