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The 2016 international mold further tilt to domestic enterprises of supply chain

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Than ever before, the plastic mold technology level had the very big enhancement, but the domestic mold industry production including the proportion is highly uneven, this is very unfavorable to the development of plastic mold manufacturing. Although over the past few years, China's mold industry structure and the system has a great change, main show is: high-grade mold, large-scale, precision, complex, long service life. But due to the large demand for cheap mould in China, and the high-grade mold is the mixed rate less than 60%. It is not hard to see, the unreasonable, this is very detrimental to our country the development of the mould industry. Need to speed up structural adjustment, develop high-end market, synchronization with the international market. How to synchronize with the international market? Plastic injection mold manufacturing industry to speed up structural adjustment should be done in our country at the same time, improve the level of technology. Which is mainly manifested in the following several aspects: 1. Die steel and other factors; 2. Standardization level to ascend; 3. High-end mold talent in urgent need of cultivation; 4. Accelerate the pace of structural adjustment of mold; 5. Increasing investment to strengthen innovation ability; 6. Promote mold joint reorganization among enterprises; 7. Overseas market development needs to be deepened. Due to the downstream industries, especially the key and core of the auto industry mold high degree of dependence on imports, make relevant host product needs a series of key, core injection molding product is mainly provided by the international famous mold enterprise. In recent years, domestic enterprises mold technology and continuous improvement of products, therefore, some plastic mold or injection molded parts start circulation in the world, become the country's some high-end industry supply chain system, but also replaced the imported products, get rid of the reliance on it. But there is no denying that, among the international high-end market only a few parts. Along with the plastic mold industry technology level, product level gradually increased, some international host industry supply chain system further now inclined to domestic enterprises, which will make is an opportunity and challenge. It is understood that by 2015, our country independent mold matching rate required by the market will reach more than 85%, in which the high-end mold independent supporting ratio will be improved significantly. Experts pointed out that the plastic mould manufacturing industry in our country in the future in addition to continue to improve production capacity, more want to focus on the internal structure adjustment and technology development level. Mainly is the enterprise to the specialization of structure adjustment of product structure towards the high-end mold development, to the improvement of import and export structure, high-grade automotive covering parts die forming analysis and structure improvement, multi-functional composite die and composite processing and application of laser technology in the mold design and manufacturing, high speed cutting, super finishing and polishing technology, the informationization direction.
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