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The advantage of hollow board material

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
1, the material is light

use made of hollow plate products are light weight, material in the middle is hollow grid shape, easy to carry, can be random.

2, low cost,

then the cost is lower than other materials, imported from material to finished product delivery, etc. Series production process greatly saves a lot of cost.

3, environmental safety

to know environmental protection material is a bit more attention in the world, PP hollow plate. And low pollution, waste processing is simple, won't cause pollution to the environment, can be recycled and made into other plastic products.

  4、. , conductive, flame retardant

modification, mixing, surface spraying method can make the plastic hollow board. , conductive, or the performance of the flame retardant. Very explosive characteristics, let users in the use of safety in the process of ascension.

5, sound insulation, heat insulation,

due to the hollow structure of the plastic hollow board, make its heat transfer and sound transmission effect is significantly lower than the solid sheet, with good heat insulation, sound insulation effect.

6, good mechanics performance

the special structure of plastic hollow board, make its have good toughness, impact resistance, high compressive strength, cushion, very high hardness, bending performance good, excellent mechanical properties.

7, stable chemical performance

plastic hollow board can waterproof, moistureproof, anticorrosion, insect corrosion, fumigation-free has obvious advantages compared with board, board.

8, color is rich, smooth and beautiful

chongda plastic hollow board special molding process, through the color masterbatch can be any color, and the surface is smooth, easy to printing. In the advertising industry and supermarket shelves, etc. Very practical.

xinxiang chongda plastic electronics co. , LTD. Offers you: plastic hollow sheet, PP hollow board, hollow board turnover box, plastic processing, suspended floor, education equipment and other products, want to know more welcome to hotline: 18137150774
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