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The application of changshu injection mold manufacturing CLP cast molding

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Changshu has some special structure in injection mold manufacturing and product appearance requirements, we will choose some special process, such as electroforming. Electroforming electrochemical cathodic deposition in the process of forming principle is to use for forming. Using electroforming forming system of injection mold cavity, is a kind of new technique of manufacture of injection mold cavity. Changshu in injection mould manufacturing is mainly used for ordinary moulding method will not be able to process the surface requirement and narrow and difficult to polishing of mold insert. Too deep, such as product Angle pole tip Angle requirement, erosion surface and smooth connection with ordinary moulding method cannot meet the requirements of processing technology, electroforming shaping can be solved. Our common electroforming mold product has flaps, battery, mp3, mobile phone panel knobs, mobile navigation keys, lamp, optical lenses, electroforming sign, car remote control key, reflector, guide plate, nickel electroforming sign and so on. 。 。 Changshu injection mold manufacturing CLP casting processing precision is high, according to the size of the sample making, make electrical mold core is little narrow, producing precision within 1 mu. So accurate such as fingers, hair, and even diamond mirror can be a complete and don't have to be polished, electroplating. Also can produce the diamond stone, wiredrawing, leather grain, etc, or complex structure highlights mirror products, electroforming is a big advantage is the injection mould for a long time use will not rust. Electroforming molding in the injection mold belong to a special process, generally used in special products better, in order to meet the requirements of product appearance and structure properties. However, there are some problems: ( 1) Because of production time is long, demanding, electroforming mold prices higher than other mold your ( 2) The sharp edges of product is easy to cause the product in the injection molding processing of glue ( 3) Used as a material with beryllium copper electroforming model only HRC25 - hardness 30, hard material cannot be used as a model of electroforming. ( 4) Commonly used as electroforming mould manufacturing products are usually edge is very sharp, sharp Angle, and the material is soft, and use the model is very easy to damage. As the market diversification of products, as well as the improvement of consumer's aesthetic idea, more and more strict with product appearance. The application scope of changshu injection mold manufacturing CLP cast molding also continued to expand. Recently a word stock with the price of 1000 yuan/word buyout jingboran font copyright news, instant jingboran fonts on the Internet. The font is also there are some particularity, and meet the aesthetic needs of most people. Some special properties of electroforming molding must also prompted him to get wide application in the injection mould manufacturing.
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