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The application of silane coupling agent

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Silane coupling agent is a kind of molecules also contains two different chemical groups of silane. It can react with inorganic materials, or adsorbed on the surface material, so as to improve the affinity of with inorganic materials. Because among silane coupling agent molecules into two functional groups of organic and inorganic, can put the two different chemical structure type and affinity materials vary widely in the interface, and therefore increase the coating and inorganic layer and pigment, filler and the combination of injection molding processing between resin binders.

in the coupling mechanism of coupling agents on the interface of dissimilar materials physical effects cannot be ignored. Constraint theory, that is, from reduce the interface stress point of view to explain the effect of silane coupling agent, the majority of the polymer curing shrinkage, thus will generate additional stress in the interface. When stress concentration to a certain degree can cause adhesive bond rupture, the adhesive parts damaged. Deformation layer theory, the effect of silane coupling agent is to tighten the interface adhesive on structure, form modulus decrease of constraint layer, can be evenly transfer stress. And friction layer theory, the thought of adhesive and glued glue is based on the friction effect, the effect of silane coupling agent is to improve the interface between the coefficient of friction, increase the friction.

distribution on the interface of inorganic and organic silane reagents, without mutual affinity to compatible interface between emulsifier role. Due to the interfacial phenomenon is very complicated, single theory cannot fully explain, for silane reagents in the mechanism of the interface of several interpretations. Silane reagents in contact with the moisture in the air and hydrolysis reaction, and dehydration reaction oligomer formation, the oligomer with hydroxyl hydrogen bond formation, the surface of inorganic substances through heating drying dehydration reaction to form part of the covalent bond, the result is inorganic surface is covered by silane.

the overall mix is legal when mixed with inorganic and organic base material adding silane reagents, its main characteristic is packing without pretreatment, and the concentration of the silane reagents can be arbitrary adjustment, has a base substrate of functionality is different, and the response speed of the silane reagents are also different. In addition, the properties of composite materials and the types of silane reagents, with the method of use and organic substrate, mixing time, mixing temperature and other conditions has a lot to do, so when use the experiment in advance after the suitable conditions were determined.

inorganic surface does not have the hydroxyl, it is difficult to play the corresponding role or effect. For organic system, most molecules with specific functional groups and show the characteristics of the polymer. The processing of silane reagents may be adjusted according to the size of specific surface area of packing, is generally 1% by weight of the packing, in fact it is best when processing, solvent diluted with water before use. Packing after processing dry conditions also is one of the important factors that affect composite material performance, because when not fully dry, there are many hydrogen bonds to be residual state easily from the outside to hydrate, affect the properties of composite materials.

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