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The characteristics of POM/PE alloy

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
POM itself has very good friction and wear properties, is a good wear resistant material injection tooling. But like other engineering plastics, in place of sliding speed or load is bigger, the large amount of heat generated by the friction caused by deformation of parts, especially as precision instruments, electronic appliances and all kinds of industrial machinery to develop in the direction of miniaturization, high performance-based, high speed, power transmission conduction condition is becoming more and more strict, often require drive transmission components can work under high speed, high temperature and high pressure environment. Therefore much attention has been paid to improve the friction and wear properties of POM.

in the steel dual sliding surface after a period of time, due to lower wear rate of POM material transferred to the interface, the formation of transfer film basically has the following mechanism: sliding on the interface film sticking point, the formation of crystal chip is easier to slide and POM smooth outline of the molecular chain, are more likely to lead to the formation of transfer film. With the increase of the dosage of TPFE, POM/PTFE alloy friction coefficient and wear quantity.

ptfe is excellent wear-resisting material, with POM blend can effectively improve the wear resistance of POM, high wear-resistant materials. POM, PTFE and HDPE have smooth contour, molecular chain during the process that can be transferred to the dual sliding surface and the transfer of thin film is formed. Analysis of molecular structure, found that flexibility of polymer has a great influence on the friction coefficient of polymer. Of the polymer chain flexibility, the better, the lower the coefficient of friction. Polyolefin-g-mah /

by differential thermal analysis, found that after adding PA12 POM, its melting point, and the melting peak of PA12 disappear. In polymer blends, the drop melting point of crystalline polymer, surface system is mutually soluble. In POM/PA alloy, the influence law of nylon dosage on the mechanical properties of the alloy are similar to POM/PE. Polyolefin-g-mah/tensile strength decreases with increasing dosage of PA12, the notched impact strength in PA12 a maximum of 5%, PA12 usage greater than 5%, the notched impact strength drops.

in POM to join a small amount of PE to improve the processing of liquidity have bigger by, improved the processing properties of POM. The density of POM/HDPE alloy small around 10%. Good weathering resistance is POM POM/PE. Nylon macromolecular chain of amino and ether bonds form hydrogen bonds in POM, so POM has good compatibility with PA. Non-crystalline sex nylon has good toughening effect on POM, and crystalline nylon blend, can improve the weatherability, notched impact sensitivity, preparation of excellent comprehensive performance can be injection tooling engineering structure materials.

polymer was wear and transfer to the metal material, is not only a reflection of material surface properties, is a reflection of cohesive energy material in the material surface. High molecular inter-atomic forces strong, cohesive energy, wear-resisting performance is good, high friction coefficient, weak molecular inter-atomic forces, cohesive energy is low, wear-resisting performance is poor, low friction coefficient. Under the specific load, speed, POM POM, PTFE blend and carbon fiber composites in duality is not sensitive to the sliding on the interface roughness of steel.

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