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The choose and buy of plastic hollow board technique

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Because plastic hollow board is much used for interior surface decoration, a reflection of the quality problems have certain hysteresis. Choosing a hollow board besides should ask for qualitative check report and product to detect to agency besides certificate of approval, can quality of range estimation exterior. Therefore, if you want to choose the qualified hollow plate, mastering the technique of some material is very necessary. Assess the quality of plastic hollow board, can from the following several aspects:

a, manufacturing process

from wafer cutting and splicing, flat-fell seam with stickers, defect repair process, sanding defects, floor defect and other exterior damage, pollution and so on several aspects to judge.

general with normal vision at 1 - 1. 5 meters distance visual, no defects affect beautiful decoration process defects, floor, artificial damage, polluters to master.

2, for through the product certification of Chinese environment mark.
hollow plate processing used in adhesive the formaldehyde can cause harm to human body health is already well known. When buying a hollow board should pay attention to see whether there is a Chinese environment mark product certification, product certification of Chinese environment mark is quality and environmental double standards certification. Three, the epidermis (

Wafer) Thickness of

chip thickness is thicker, and durable performance, the better. Paint construction after solid wood feels strong, clear texture, colour and lustre bright-coloured saturation. The distinguish method of slice thickness for: to observe the edge sand through, with and without glue, paint water test whether appear green, the phenomenon such as gone, if the above problems, usually with thin cuticle.
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