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The compatibility of blend plastic

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
to plastic blend components compatibility between request has two aspects. From requirements of the blend uniformity into consideration, they have better compatibility. If it is too good, but the compatibility of components to achieve compatibility at the molecular level, form the thermodynamic compatibility, is the performance of the blend has the additive property, is the average of the performance of components, many performance and can't get good improve, formation of high-performance blend. If consider from the modified performance to blend components compatibility is not good, but this can lead to form uniform blend. Therefore require blend compatibility with partial compatibility between components, can form uniform blend, and can achieve good performance of blending modification.

similar polarity principle. Formula between different components in the more similar polarity, the compatibility, the better. In addition, the greater the polarity of the components in the formula, and its compatibility, the better, rather than the compatibility between the polar components are more bad.

how different the compatibility of blending components, a fundamental principle, namely is similar to a compatible, here referred to similar and can be divided into the following several aspects.

solubility parameter similar principles. Different blending group of mixing process in fact is a process of mutual diffusion between molecular chains, receive role between molecular chains. The size of the interaction between molecular chains.

structure similar principles. The structure of the different components of the closer, the compatibility, the better. Similar structure refers to the individual components of the molecular chain unit is contained in the same or similar structure.

viscosity similar principles. The principle for different components in the formula the closer the viscosity, the consistency, the better.

crystallization ability similar principles. Formula the crystallization ability of different components in the closer, the compatibility, the better. Crystallization ability can mean easy crystallization, crystallization and maximum crystallinity.

surface tension Y similar principles. Y the closer to the surface tension of the different components, and its compatibility, the better. Component formula of melting, similar to the emulsion, its stability and dispersion is decided by the surface tension of the two phase interface Y, Y the closer, and two infiltration, contact and diffusion, the better, the adhesion strength of the interface is, the better.

compatilizer refers to the use of bonding force between the molecules. Make two incompatible polymer components together, thus forming a class of compounds incompatible blending system. Compatilizer, also known as solubilizer or cosolvent, and coupling agent is different coupling agent is mainly used for between inorganic material and organic material, while the compatilizer is mainly used for between two kinds of organic material.
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