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The compatibility of modified plastic additives

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Wen injection tooling/VIP
most additives, inorganic additives, in particular, because between the resin and polarity difference is bigger, so the compatibility of both is not good. So how to judge the compatibility between additives and resin is good or bad?

solubility parameter similar principles. For additive, its solubility parameter and the solubility parameters of resin the closer, the better the compatibility of the two. Both differ less than 1. 5 is the good compatibility.

similar polarity principle. The polarity of the additives and the closer the polarity of the resin, the compatibility of the two is better.

surface tension similar principles. The surface tension of the additive with the closer to the surface tension of the resin, both compatibility, the better.

how to improve the compatibility between the two?
in selected after a specific formula, the most effective way to improve additives and the compatibility of resin for additive surface for processing. After surface treatment additives, can be greatly improved and the compatibility of resin.

the coupling agent of additives. Coupling agent, also known as surface treatment agent, is a kind of inorganic material and organic material or different materials, through the chemical effect and physical effect, improve the compatibility of a small molecule organic compounds.

coupling agent is mainly used for inorganic material and organic material in the hybrid system, is also sometimes used in organic material in the composite system, but less to use, the molecular mechanism characteristic of coupling agent is contains two kinds of different functional groups: one kind is hydrophilic inorganic group, another kind is hydrophilic organic groups. With coupling agent to deal with additives, the two groups, respectively, by chemical reactions or physical action, at one end and additives on the surface of collection, the other end with resin tangles or reaction, make the surface properties of markedly different additive with good compatibility between resin.

the mechanism of the coupling agent.
chemical bonding theory. Coupling agent molecules contain two kinds of different groups, one group with inorganic molecular material surface, form chemical bonds; While another group with organic molecular bonding material, and a bridge between inorganic and organic facies and connection, to incompatible two-phase incompatible.

constraint layer theory. Existing in the composite materials with high modulus of the interface between the filler resin with low modulus, coupling agent is part of the interface zone, its modulus between resin and filler, can better pass stress.

surface infiltration theory. The argument of this theory for the liquid coupling agent on the surface of inorganic fillers invasive, promote the compatibility of the two. If the inorganic filler was completely infiltration, the resin on the two phase interface bonding strength produced by physical adsorption, cohesive energy than the resin itself. On the other hand, would have resulted in poor compatibility.

variable layer theory. Resin and filler in composite materials to alleviate when two phase cooling interface stress as a result of the different shrinkage rate, hope in a flexible deformation layer formed between resin and filler, increased the toughness of the composite materials.

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