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The details in the process of injection molding processing

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
In the process of injection molding processing, able to influence the quality of product form factors have a lot of. If you do not pay attention to, may affect the quality of the product, but if these factors can be controlled, will be formed to meet the requirements of product specifications and production results. So, detail processing is particularly important. Below, injection molding processing factories for you to introduce the relevant details:

in all able to influence to the production of various kinds of factors, because the melt temperature and mold temperature influence on the actual shrinkage rate, so in the design of precision injection mold cavity, in order to determine the forming conditions, must pay attention to the arrangement of the cavity. Of heat into the molten plastic mold, and mold temperature gradient distribution is usually around the cavity, the shape is centered on the mainstream way of concentric circles. Therefore, the flow channel equalization, cavity arrangement and arranged in the mainstream way for the concentric rings in the center of the design measures, such as to reduce the error between the shrinkage rate of each cavity, expanding the scope of the processing conditions allow, and reduce cost are necessary. So the use of precision injection mold cavity arrangement should meet the flow channel equalization and arrangement for the center with the mainstream way two aspects of the requirements, and must be used with the mainstream way for the symmetric line of cavity arrangement, otherwise it will cause the mold shrinkage rate differences.

of course, in addition to plastic injection mold cavity will be in the process of plastic injection molding and products constitute effect, there are many other factors. Only in the heart of the production process of these concrete factors are reasonable adjustment and processing, to ensure that every link of the injection molding processing can be completed, which ensure the production quality and production efficiency.
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