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The difference between the plastic and rubber

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
plastic injection molding processing refers to the resin ( Directly or in the machining process using monomer polymerization) As the main ingredient, plasticizer, filler, lubricants, additives for auxiliary ingredients such as colorants, can flow in the processing process molding material. Plastic for synthesis of polymer compound, are free to change form style. Plastic raw materials in synthesis or condensation reaction is the use of monomer polymerization material, by the synthetic resin and packing, plasticizer, stabilizer, lubricants, pigment additive composition and so on, it is the main component of synthetic resin.

rubber with high reversible deformation of elastic polymer material. Elastic, at room temperature under external force at an early age can generate large deformation, can recover after removal of the external force. Rubber belongs to complete the amorphous polymer, and its low glass transition temperature, molecular weight often large, more than hundreds of thousands of.

the most essential difference between plastic and rubber plastic deformation occurred plastic deformation, and the rubber is elastic. After plastic deformation is not easy to restore the original state, and rubber is relatively easier. Plastic elasticity is very small, usually less than 100%, and rubber can reach 1000% or more. Plastic in the vast majority of forming process on the finished product process is finished, and after the rubber molding process must also need vulcanization process.

plastic and rubber are of high polymer materials, mainly composed of two kinds of carbon and hydrogen atoms, while others contain a small amount of oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, silicon, fluorine, sulfur atoms, such as its special performance and use is also special. At room temperature, the plastic is solid, very hard, can't draw texturing. And rubber hardness is not high, there is elastic and can stretch longer, stop stretching can back again. This is due to their different molecular structure. Another difference is that the plastic can be recycled many times repeated use, and rubber is not direct recycling use, can only be processed into reclaimed rubber, then available. Plastic in the form when more than 100 degrees to 200 degrees and rubber shape similar in 60 to 100 degrees. Plastic rubber.

rubber according to the raw materials can be divided into natural rubber and synthetic rubber. According to the form into the massive raw rubber, latex, liquid rubber and rubber powder. Some latex for rubber gel; Oligomer liquid rubber for rubber, unvulcanized former general for sticky liquid; Powder rubber latex processing into powder, and ingredients and processing production. In the 1960 s the development of thermoplastic rubber, without chemical vulcanization, and use of thermoplastic processing method. Rubber press used and divided into two categories, general type and special type.

rubber processing basic process including plasticate, mixing, rolling or extrusion, molding and curing, the basic process, each working procedure in view of the products have different requirements, cooperate with some auxiliary operation respectively. In order to adding all kinds of the compound rubber, raw rubber first need plasticate improve its plasticity; Then by mixing carbon black and all kinds of rubber additives and mixing rubber into rubber; Rubber blank pressed out into a certain shape; Then make it and after rolling hang glue or glue of textile materials ( Or with metal materials) Together forming semi-finished products; Finally after vulcanization and has the plastic semi-finished products made from the high elasticity of the final product.
can be divided into thermosetting plastic and thermal plasticity, the former cannot remake used, which can repeat production. Plastic polymer structure, there are two basic types: the first is a linear structure, the polymer compound with this structure, known as linear polymer compounds; The second is body structure, has the structure of high polymer compound called shape high molecular compound. Some polymer with branched chain, called branched polymer, belongs to the linear structure. Although some polymer intermolecular crosslinking, but less crosslinking, known as the reticular structure, belongs to the body structure.

plastic parts of modern life can be widely used in every field, such as instruments and meters, electric wire electric cable, construction equipment, communications, electronics, automotive, aerospace, etc. Plastics have already is not synonymous with plastic containers, plastic buckets, plastic machinery has become capital intensive, technology intensive, talent intensive industry, is an important role in promoting the transformation and upgrading of industry, science and technology progress.

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