CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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The domestic mold manufacturing enterprises in our country how to get rid of the rely on foreign technology?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The development of high-end equipment manufacturing system, can't depart from the support of mold manufacturers. At present, our country has is the mold production and application of power, but after decades of development, since the reform open into the domestic mold industry strength and the international advanced level there is a larger gap, a large number of high-end mould products can only rely on import, meet the demand of domestic industry. The national mold industry, is undoubtedly the development of ruin. So, in the high speed development of industrial society, local plastic mold manufacturer will through the way of how to rise again? Independent research and development is a plastic mold manufacturer to obtain the primary way of independent intellectual property rights, research and development is the main power to promote the development of plastic mold industry, but the ability to independent research and development of mould industry in China is still very weak, at present, the domestic manufacture of moulds the primary development goal is still the independent research and development. Therefore, mould industry in China is only full independence from depend on to fundamentally from the technology, therefore, China mold and die industry should step up spending on research, the cultivation of scientific research talents actively, develop a batch of mold production technology with independent intellectual property rights; For domestic also unable to break through technical bottlenecks, should actively introduce, and digestion and absorption. At the same time, in addition to the enterprise continuously strengthen the consciousness of independent intellectual property rights protection, the government department should also further encourage supportive measures, for the domestic plastic mold factory, high-end equipment manufacturing and create a good environment for the development, thus further promote the development of die and mould industry. Achieve the comprehensive development of China mold and die from technology, the first step to establish the perfect intellectual property system. Application, and then gradually accumulated industry technology, realize the self-independence of industrial production, integrated to improve the competitive ability of the industry. During the next much starker choices-and graver consequences-in, China plastic mold factory is going to be the market environment of challenges and opportunities coexist. Changshu smooth plastic products factory specializes in plastic mold manufacturing, injection molding processing factories, we are not the largest mold factory, but we have the most powerful team, good product development, solving all of the structure and mold technology, to protect your product development. We manufacture business design of medical, military industry, digital, home appliances, aviation and other fields, recognised by the domestic and foreign customers consistent, is also the long-term partner of the United States GE GE, flextronics group of qualified suppliers. Welcome your enquiries - 400 Well up to 9600308, to learn more about information ( www。 szhky。 com. cn) Log on to our website home page, click on the right side of the online customer service consulting, smooth to serve you wholeheartedly.
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