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The five development trend of plastic mold processing technology

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
At present, the plastic mold in the mold industry accounted for about 30%, import and export the proportion is as high as 50 - in the mold 70%. In recent years, China plastic mould development is rapid, the application of plastic products increasingly widespread, for plastic mold provides a very broad market.

the mold of the overall trend is steadily upward, in the future of the mold in the market, the development of plastic mold speed will be higher than other mold, the proportion will gradually increase in the mold industry. And one of the plastic mold processing technology under the general trend of development:

1. Molding parts of increasingly large parts and high productivity, and require more than a mold cavity, the increasingly large mould, large-tonnage big mould can reach 100 tons, a die hundreds, thousands of cavity, the cavity mould processing equipment big worktable, increasing y axis and z axis distance, bearing, high rigidity, high consistency.

2. With high hardness steel material for mold processing equipment with high thermal stability, reliability.

3. For complex cavity and multifunctional composite mould, as parts of complicated shape, must improve the level of mould design and manufacture of a variety of groove, a variety of material in a mold forming or assemble components of multifunctional composite mould, requires large amount of processing programming procedures, have Gao Shenkong cavity comprehensive cutting capacity and high stability, improve the processing difficulty.

4. Mould processing fine, make the processing equipment of the compound, efficiency is more interesting. High speed milling of machinable high hard materials, stable machining, cutting force is small, the workpiece temperature deformation, and many other advantages, make the mold enterprise of high speed machining is becoming more and more attention.

5. High dynamic accuracy. Introduce the static performance of machine tool manufacturing enterprise, in the mold 3 d type surface processing, can't reflect the actual processing. Of 3 d surface mold precision machining, puts forward the requirement of high precision dynamic performance, high speed, high precision and high rigidity of the machine tool, thermal stability, high reliability and high quality control system of combination become possible.
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