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The foam formula design reference

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PU foam formula, PU is a common foam plastics processing varieties, widely used in furniture, clothing, sports and thermal insulation material. PU foam formula is very complex, including many formula components. The generation process of PU foam contains reaction is more, forming, polymerization reaction with foaming several simultaneously. Many different kinds of PU foam plastics, according to the degree of hardness and softness can be divided into soft, semi-hard and hard three, according to the bubble pore type, and can be divided into two kinds of opening and closing hole.

the PU foam plastics foaming agent with low boiling point commonly using physical foaming agent and water. The soft PU foam is given priority to with water, sometimes also can separate water, semi-rigid and rigid PU wangwang, using physical foaming agent and water. Too high for the amount of water, generally not more than five, or no more than 6% of polyol monomers. PU foam with foam stabilizer, its function is to make the foam stability, and control the bubble pore size and structure.

impregnation, the process of foaming agent in the process of PS resin permeability, swelling, want want to be heated pressure, so as to promote its penetration, PS, finally formed expandable. Pretest bubble, will get the EPS impregnation and heated to 80 ℃ above, EPS beads begins to soften, its internal decomposition gas foaming agent, bead expansion pressure, formation of discontinuity in the EPS foam hole. Cure, soak pretest product storage time, make the atmosphere air infiltration bubble hole, to facilitate further foam, foaming ratio. Foam molding, reheating, PS foam foam on, due to the air to expand, thus increase the foaming degree, bead fusion bonding between at the same time, formed by hot pressing molding processing products.

PE foaming principle, PE resin foam difficult than other resin, the reason is that PE resin after heated to melt temperature, the melt viscosity drops rapidly, melt strength is reduced, the foam decomposition of foam and it is easy to wear out a gas bubble hole wall outside overflow melt, make bubble hole is difficult to maintain, resulting in foaming failure. In addition, PE melt gas transmittance is bigger, also accelerate the foaming gas spillover.

PTFE foam products can be used to filter materials, applicable to filtrate filter medium with strong corrosion resistance, in addition, the foam injection molding products processing can also be used for battery air plug, gasket and seal components and so on. Also known as the pore forming agent, foaming agent for particle size, and other water soluble inorganic salt and volatile substances.

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