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The focus of the Lao shifu told you play crural line installed

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23

average household is decorated, a lot of people will be pay attention to the installation of floor or floor tile, but tend to ignore the complementary play crural line installed, how do play crural line installed, install needs pay attention to what problem, when the house a quick fix for you to share:

the line that play a base generally there are two practices, one kind is hidden, is a kind of bright type made the demand of hidden in the wall at the bottom of the slot, bricklayer to stick the anchor line ( General in the post after the floor tile) Convenient, protruding about 2 ~ 3 mm behind after the be bored with child make level alignment. Characteristic is not easy to dust, manageable hair can, convenient furniture relies on a wall without aperture, is popular.

bright type can leave out the anchor line trough process, direct posted in metope, products more stereoscopic effect. Best choose and buy a little of the anchor line shape. But this is harder to do easy dust collecting methods are gradually fade out the general home outfit.

before construction should be carefully clean up the wall, a day early water wet. Yang Angle according to the demand quantity will be one end of the skirting board, with no tooth cutting 45 & deg; Washed with water, and skirting board, air-dried and set aside.

set when installation, by Yang Angle start to try to stick on both sides, check whether the straight, aperture is tight, shape edge off Angle such as faults, qualified rear can stick. No matter adopt what method installation, all in metope first two head each set on a piece of skirting board, along the height should be at the same level, the wall thickness will together, and then on the two pieces of skirting board on the flux lines, put in sequence of installation.

post method: according to horizontal metope standard and specification, by 1:2 ~ 2. 5 with cement mortar bottom ash and draw lines, leveling for the underlying mortar corrugations, will have the ceramic tile of dry wet shade skirting board with cement slurry are also posted 2 ~ 3 mm, flat with a rubber mallet percussion, and pay attention to at any time using the spirit level, by foot plate leveling, to look straight. The next day, and then use the same color of cement paste and ground panel seam.

grouting method: is the skirting board temporary fixed to the installation position, the plaster to the adjacent two pieces of skirting board and skirting board and floor, metope between stability in mind, and with a consistency of 10 ~ 15 cm 1:2 cement mortar ( Volume ratio) Grouting. Wipe clean and the overflow of mortar at any time. Stay into cement mortar after the final set, and then put the plaster off rub-up, use the same color cement slurry and the plate clean seam.
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