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The future development of global TPU materials will present average growth of more than 10%

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Recently our country environmental protection safety supervision continued ascension, many enterprise production and operation have been affected. But when reporters last week into the garden of jiangsu and hunan chemical industry co. , LTD. , has found an endless stream of domestic and foreign enterprises to come to discuss, TPU raw materials products sell like hot cakes. 'Business, it is must have the spirit, to adhere to independent innovation, improving inputs, tolerance for solitude. With advanced technology, safe environmental protection level improved natural, has the product competitiveness also. 'China polyurethane industry association deputy director, hunan chemical zhou jian, the chairman, told reporters. The world's advanced product technology level. TPU consumption structure: shoes materials TPU raw materials, adhesives, pipe TPU variety of products, raw materials and particles, including solution further processing can be made into special plastic, high modulus can also be made into high elastic rubber, can be made into film, also can be made into fibers, and can be adjusted according to the downstream demand product properties, so the TPU downstream applications are very rich. Specific view, TPU material is the main application, accounted for about 39%. Due to varieties of TPU material lightweight, comfortable, good elasticity, change, easy processing, and can be recycled, so the TPU in the early development of shoe industry as the main downstream applications, such as ski boots, hiking boots, etc. , in recent years, with the expanding of TPU application scope, the proportion of shoe industry has been reduced. Adhesives, tubing, the application of TPU also gradually increase the proportion of the market share of 5% and 4%, respectively.
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