CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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The future development of plastic industry

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
our plastic injection molding processing factory in the next few decades in the processing technology and the new stage machinery and equipment, to win in the international market competition of the initiative. Rise of the technical level of the plastics industry in the future should be highlighted lightweight composite, and functional area from three aspects.

lightweight is directly related to the cost of the products and the effective use of resources. Tensile plastic products not only makes the strength of the thin film instead due to lower thinning, and transparency and glossiness are improved.

points is to improve the plastic products performance, expand product applications in the field of important way. Use multilayer composite structure can make his each different material can, such as five layers of composite packaging film, the outermost layer has good printing; Middle layer should be able to provide sufficient strength, internal shall also have the barrier layer; In order to perfect sealing, the inside still have a layer of heat sealing purpose; In order to reduce costs, but also add a layer of waste plastic.

should attach importance to the function of packaging materials, at the same time, it should prevent excess function, excessive packaging waste of resources. Design the reasonable structure of Windows and doors profiles and development of new plastic doors and Windows are still not important tasks. Building drain should expand the application, development of low noise the wall spiral structure in the core layer foam, PVC pipes. Building decoration materials should be in plastic and wood, encourage the development of surface have wood grain or other outstanding decorative effect of low foamed PVC profile with plate.
the key development for the automotive, home appliances, electronics, transportation, style, fitness and other industries supporting the use of plastic materials or products. Also should attach importance to the application of plastics modification technology, the development and other modified plastics and plastic alloy has a unique performance of general engineering plastics and special engineering plastics.

in order to solve the plastic products especially the disposable products easy to damage to the natural environment, make full use of natural resources, strengthen the waste plastic recovery and recycling is one of the important subjects on the significant position.

injection the survival and development of the enterprise, must take the market as the guidance, continuously adjust product structure, and thus need to strengthen technology research, development and transformation of scientific and technological achievements and application. Therefore to increase investment in technology research. At the same time, the active adoption of new technology new technology and new technology is a new mode of production and management pattern, the development of new products, stabilization and expand the market occupancy rate and market value. And pay attention to new technology and traditional product of grafting, vigorously develop have the technology content of products, improve product quality and technical content.

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